Hello Hello! ^_^ I have been improving my skills and was finally ready to make a Final Fantasy mix that i was going to be proud of! BUT I really would like to hear the opinion of other great Final Fantasy fans on how does my Eurobeat Mix of "Jenova" sound like? I do understand that Euobeat is a...
A small little server for fans of all games, but especially VII to come together and bond over their love of this wonderful game in the series. There are chat rooms for VII tips, character discussions, OCs, roleplaying, and separate chats for the other games! It's a...
So i have a bit of a problem when i bot the steam ver of final fantasy 7 i find out that there is no music past the train scene. so i go to the steam forum and ask why i have no music. then i get a reply he says that steam cut the music from the hole game something about them making the file...
Hi Guys,
Please enjoy Arcade Attack's special 6th podcast episode that pays huge tribute to possibly the best game ever made - Final Fantasy 7:
Hopefully we have done the game the justice it deserves.
Kindest regards,
Here are is small selection my Final Fantasy VII "Who was in your party?" shirt designs. I literally made 2 versions of each party combination.
My personal favorite party combination was Cloud, Cid, and Vincent. Who was in your party?
By horror themes I of course mean tropes typically associated with horror, not that the game is trying to scare players. So scare factor is irrelevant here, only the themes matter. Let's get started.
So looking back on Final Fantasy VII, you can notice it uses a bunch of horror tropes. The cave...
Hi everyone, I made a summary of the Final Fantasy 7 story. I'd appreciate your feedback!
Follow me on Twitter: http://twitter.com/dis_pear
We need Voice Actors! [CLOSED]
Ah, here we go again. Ok, so the thing is that we need a lot of voices for our OTR project (OTR means Old Time Radio, for you youngsters out there who don't know of the good ol' days).
There are only a couple of things that you should remember when auditioning...
To be honest it's a great feeling to see characters like Sazh and Barret represented in the FInal Fantasy series because they definitely bring something different to the table as opposed to their more popular counterparts. Anyway here's a look back at black characters in Final Fantasy, enjoy.
Im a long time final fantasy fan, more or less since i could first turn on a computer. Im looking to finish off my collection now but I would like to know the difference between these two guides...
Apparently some fellow fans who are both passionate and talented want to create a web series. Sounds hoakey, I know. But this actually looks kinda promising. Check out their kickstarter page if interested...
Final Fantasy Crisis Core was the first Final Fantasy I ever played and it was the game that got me into the series. I was a normal kid who insulted the Final Fantasy series before having played any of them. One day my step brother gave me Crisis Core and I played it thinking it was going to be...
We realize that the SonsOfSatire had already started their version called "Final Fantasy VII: The Abridged Series." Their series, however, has not updated since July of 2010 with no sign of continuing. As such, we believe a video game so greatly renowned deserves to be finished...
Hey everyone, I thought I'd stop in and drop this tune in here for anyone who might be interested in a remix of the classic save theme music, otherwise known as prelude. I was and still am a huge fan of the game, and I'm excited to share this with other final fantasy fans. If you like what you...
Guess what's up on our YouTube channel and rarin' ta go!
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The Final...
A collection of unused voice clips that demonstrate how our LUCK is not our highest stat here at Final Fantasy VII: Abridged...
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Final Fantasy is owned by Square-Enix and Hironobu...
Happy Valentine's Day, Everyone!
Hope you guys enjoy our special!
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It's ready!
As always, SquarEnix owns Final Fantasy, while we just own this video. We also remind those of you playing the home version that this is strictly a fan-based parody.
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Just completed this weekend.
FF7: Abridged - Episode 5 "A Cloud To The Past"
Part 1
Part 2
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