
  1. Dionysos

    SPOILERS What is your favourite location in Final Fantasy XVI?

    As the title says, are there any locations that really stand out to you and you enjoyed the most? While there's plenty to say about many locations, mine must be Doeznov terraces in Dhalmekia. *Spoilers are just because quest titles, etc, are visible on the screen. As a limestone springs spa...
  2. Dionysos

    FFF Choice Best FF Location - Poll

    Following the response to our call (in this thread and on social media) we have narrowed down FFF’s favourite locations to a top 10. Through a poll we are now seeking to discover which location is considered the ‘best’ location by the community. Depending on the number of comments we receive...
  3. Dionysos

    Your favourite location?

    Do you have a favourite location in World of Final Fantasy? I noticed that there are some brilliantly imaginative combinations of locations which fans who have played a lot of Final Fantasy may have picked up on. Nibelheim was at once Nibelheim town, the Mako Reactor, and also Mist from FFIV...