
  1. P

    Withdrawal from the United Nations

    Following the end of World War II, the Allied nations feared the potential destructiveness of another conflict, and thus they founded an international forum based on the old League of Nations to resolve conflicts peacefully. As these things tend to become, the United States dominated the United...
  2. P

    German State Elections, 2012

    Germany is a federation of 16 states, and two of these states will be having state elections in 2012. Rather than creating a new thread for each of the state's respective elections, I have decided it would be prudent to have one thread to cover all of the German state elections in 2012. The two...
  3. P

    2012 French Legislative Election

    For those of you who are unaware, the French presidential election has just entered it's second round between Nicholas Sarkozy (Union for a Popular Movement) and François Hollande (Socialist Party). Perhaps more important than the presidential election, however, is the upcoming legislative...