
  1. greenyxi

    Let's Play Zelda: A Link To The Past!

    Hey there folks, we're starting a new series today! Zelda: A Link To The Past is one of the most loved Zelda games (certainly of the 2D Zelda games) out there! Nintendo did a bang up job in making an adventure game that seems so grand and open, while being really accessible to speedrunners too...
  2. Linnaete

    [12/05] Chrono Trigger Falcon Strikes Wii’s Virtual Console On May 16

    Chrono Trigger is a week away from its Wii debut. Square Enix announced the Super Nintendo classic will be available on May 16 for 800 Wii Points ($8). This is the original version of Chrono Trigger, which means no animated cutscenes or extra dungeon leading to a depressing ending. Still the...
  3. K

    [11/05] Dragon Quest I - III Coming to Wii

    And they tried to tell us there were no Wii games coming out this year. As per