the last hope

  1. Gingerbread Lesbian

    Star Ocean IV and Dragon Quest VI scans! [2/21]

    Star Ocean: The Last Hope International (PS3) Dragon Quest VI (DS) Source: RPGLand
  2. moogling

    Why Was Star Ocean: The Last Hope On Xbox 360 First? [2/10]

    As of last week, Star Ocean: The Last Hope is a multi-platform game. However, it took a year for the PlayStation 3 version to come out. How come? “This was all about timing. When we began development, we were provided with the development equipment needed to produce titles for the Xbox 360...
  3. Gingerbread Lesbian

    Star Ocean: The Last Hope International release scans [2/6]

    Via Weekly Famitsu and Dengeki magazines Star Ocean: The Last Hope International is out now in Japan, coming Feb. 8 in North America and Feb. 12 in Europe. Source: RPGLand
  4. moogling

    There Are “No Plans” For A Star Ocean: The Last Hope Director’s Cut

    Star Ocean 3 got a director’s cut, so will Star Ocean: The Last Hope get one too? A fan brought that question to Yoshinori Yamagishi, the game’s producer. “There are really no plans for development,” Yamagishi answered in a Dengeki Online fan interview. Makes sense since Star Ocean 3...
  5. Gingerbread Lesbian

    Star Ocean: The Last Hope International official North American site launches [1/26]

    Square Enix has decided that it’s time to kick off the Star Ocean: The Last Hope International marketing wagon, placing ads on several sites and opening the game’s official site. As of now, there’s only a trailer to be seen. There’s anime artwork of Edge and Reimi on the left and right sides...
  6. Gingerbread Lesbian

    Star Ocean: The Last Hope, Birth By Sleep and NieR Scans [1/25]

    Star Ocean: The Last Hope NieR Replicant Kingdom Hearts: Birth By Sleep Source: RPGLand
  7. moogling

    New Star Ocean: The Last Hope International Screens [1/13]

    Some screenshots of Star Ocean IV: The Last Hope International, enjoy. Source: RPG Land
  8. moogling

    Star Ocean: The Last Hope International Marketed with Anime Art

    Star Ocean: The Last Hope and Star Ocean: The Last Hope International are pretty much the same game, but Square Enix is marketing the game differently on each platform. In North America, Star Ocean: The Last Hope International uses anime art for the game’s cover. This is a change from the...
  9. moogling

    Star Ocean: The Last Hope International Trailer!

    Weird names, explosions in outer space, and kick ass music. What more could you ask for? The latest trailer for the Tri-Ace developed RPG is pretty epic. It’s purely in Japanese, but the music is just so good! In the trailer we are introduced to the cast from the game and some battle gameplay...
  10. Gingerbread Lesbian

    Star Ocean: The Last Hope PS3 gets anime box art

    Square Enix has released the official box art for Star Ocean: The Last Hope International, a sci-fi role-playing game coming to PlayStation 3 in February 2010. You’ll notice immediately it’s completely different from the Xbox 360 version and looks like it’s trying to appeal more to otakus rather...
  11. moogling

    New Star Ocean: The Last Hope International screens

    Square Enix’s released a new batch of screenshots for the upcoming PlayStation 3 version of Star Ocean: The Last Hope International. The images are nothing special, things we’ve already seen before really. However, one noticeable small new feature is the ability to choose between the anime and...
  12. Gingerbread Lesbian

    New shots of Star Ocean:TLH PS3 are GO! has up new screens of Star Ocean: The Last Hope for the PS3. It’s out on February 9 in Europe.
  13. Gingerbread Lesbian

    [TGS'09] Star Ocean The Last Hope: International Japanese Debut Trailer

    The Last Hope comes to PS3 with new tweaks and upgrades.
  14. Gingerbread Lesbian

    Star Ocean 4 PS3 to Ship Simultaneously Worldwide + first PS3 screens!

    Star Ocean: The Last Hope for PS3 is coming to the West day and date with the Japanese version, arriving on Feburary 9th 2010. The title was announced for Japan last week and has now officially been announced for the West, launching simultaneously on the same day as the Japanese release. The...
  15. Gingerbread Lesbian

    Star Ocean 4 Sails Onto PS3

    The tri-Ace developed, Square Enix published Star Ocean: The Last Hope was released on the Xbox 360 earlier this year. The title is not an Xbox 360 exclusive, it's coming to the PlayStation 3. Dubbed Star Ocean: The Last Hope International, the game will be...
  16. Gingerbread Lesbian

    Star Ocean 4: The Last Hope heading to PS3?

    Star Ocean: The Last Hope was released earlier this year exclusively on the Xbox 360. It looks like the RPG title may just only be a timed-exclusive, however. GameFly is listing Star Ocean: The Last Hope for the Playstation 3. Although it isn’t the most reliable of sources, the online video...
  17. Gingerbread Lesbian

    Europe Getting Star Ocean: The Last Hope Collectors Edition

    Star Ocean: The Last Hope is set to be released shortly in Europe exclusively on the Xbox 360, and it looks like Europe are going to get some rewards for their patience. The game itself is a Japanese role-playing game developed by tri-Ace and published by Square Enix. It received a mixed...
  18. Gingerbread Lesbian

    Star Ocean 4 gets firm Euro date

    Square Enix has announced that Star Ocean: The Last Hope will be released exclusively for Xbox 360 on 5th June. The sci-fi RPG launched in February across Japan and America and picked up solid recommendations: Metacritic averages critical opinion at 78 per cent. Star Ocean: The Last Hope is the...
  19. Gingerbread Lesbian

    Star Ocean: The Last Hope European Release Date Given

    I can't find this in the Star Ocean thread so I apologize if I've just happened to miss it. The release date of the tri-Ace RPG for Europe has been finally announced. Effectively Star Ocean : The Last Hope, the Xbox 360 exclusivity of Square Enix will appear in our stores the 24th of April 2009...
  20. Gingerbread Lesbian

    Star Ocean : The Last Hope New Video

    Square Enix has released a new video of Star Ocean : The Last Hope for Xbox 360. The game is scheduled for February 19, 2009 in Japan. Stupid disabled embedding >.>