
  1. Dionysos

    SPOILERS Spiran timey wimey stuff

    Prince Oberyn Martel mentioned this in Discord the other day, got me thinking, and he gave me his endorsement to go and make a thread about it. The Yevon temples are often decorated with cult statues of the High Summoners who have defeated Sin in the past. This allows Yevon-worshipping Spirans...
  2. greenyxi

    Let's Play Ocarina Of Time!

    Hey all, here comes the opening to my next series! Ocarina of Time is available for N64, Gamecube, Wii and 3DS. This is the Gamecube version (the Zelda Collection disc). http://youtu.be/e8Adhqu-IwI For anyone who wants to know more about this famed adventure game, you can have a wee look...
  3. C

    MMORPG Questions

    Hey folks. I just joined up a few days ago, as I'm re-playin FFVIII right now and wanted to post a question. Always thought about joining a forum, so I finally did it. Anyways, I have been thinking about getting back into some gaming and stuff, but I never had the money for it when I was...