[18/04] V-Jump - Latest Final Fantasy Type-0 Character Details

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(btw, Machina is the guy, Rem is the girl)

The familiar cycle of Fabula Nova Crystallis coverage is beginning again. V Jump has a look at Final Fantasy Type-0 this week. Jump's look will be followed by Dengeki (and presumably Famitsu as well) next week. Dengeki is even promising a cover for the game, so we can hopefully expect lots of details.

V Jump has details on characters and gameplay this week. The character information has leaked out a bit in advance.

The magazine has followup looks at Machina and Rem. We've previously been introduced to these two characters, who have a special position in the game's setting.

Jump reveals their voice actors, full names and weapons. Machina, fully Machina Kunagiri, is voiced by Hiroshi Kamiya and makes use of a "Bolt Rapier," a dual sword. Rem, fully Rem Tokimiya, is voiced by Ryoko Shiraishi and makes use of dual daggers.


The magazine also provides a closer look at Cid, high commander of the invading country of Milites. Fully Cid Oldstein, Cid is voiced by Shuichiro Moriyama. He hopes to acquire the crystals held by each of the world's four nations.

Source: Andriasang

Cid Oldstein sparks an all out war when he breaks a treaty signed between the four nations. His goal is to acquire all four of the crystals in the world. Machina, Rem, and other students in the Suzuku magic academy set out to defend their crystal. While Final Fantasy Type-0 has a ton of playable characters, Machina and Rem are said to be the main protagonists in the PSP game.

Final Fantasy Type-0 is due in stores this summer in Japan.

Additional information from Siliconera
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Am I the only one who think they look like Noctis and Tifa in different costumes?

Well, the screenshot seems to hint that they'll be bringing the awesome graphics that new Square Enix PSP games have been bringing since the first Dissidia, which is good. I just hope some of the other characters in this game actually look original =/
Am I the only one who think they look like Noctis and Tifa in different costumes?

Well, the screenshot seems to hint that they'll be bringing the awesome graphics that new Square Enix PSP games have been bringing since the first Dissidia, which is good. I just hope some of the other characters in this game actually look original =/

I do see some similarities between the two Martel. The girl does look like a bit of a Tifa/Aya hybrid with red hair...and the guy looks like Noctis with less hair gel. :hmmm:

The graphics do look nice though...and their weapons look interesting :monster:
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They look exactly like the other FF characters Noctis and Stella 8(
Golly gee, designs by Nomura looking similar to each other? Why I never :wacky:

I really don't see either character looking like Notcis or Stella, Tifa or whoever to be honest. They look too young, IMO :hmmm:

And aha! Trademark Cid makes an appearance :awesome:
It's consistency with Nomura's style, take the auteur theory and apply it to games, like Tim Burton, Quentin Tarantino or Pedro Almodovar applying their styles to their films. I dig the style, anywho, so I ain't complaining. Roll in the pretty people with belts. 8D

I disagree with the Tifa comment, the chick just has a generic flawless female Japanese game character face and skin, her hair just seems kinda normal to me, nothing standing out but nothing to remind me of previous FF characters. The dude however, though I'll personally say he's little like Noctis he reminds me more of Genesis with black hair.
Hm....Tifa I don't see. Maybe just a tiny tiny bit.

Noctis I do see. He looks just like a slightly younger one.

Of course, like Grimm said, that's not odd. Artists of any sort have similarities in their work. It's just a sign it's by the same person.
I think I just fell in love with REM and she is my new Final Fantasy character obsession. O>O

As for the other dude, he looks like a combination of Cid Raines and Noctis o.0
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Am I the only one who think they look like Noctis and Tifa in different costumes?
because square has one cgi face model for every character.

How sad to see this becoming another mess of a franchise with uncalled for sequels and spin offs.
I agree that Rem looks like a younger Stella, but I just can't really see Noctis in Machina. I know i'm gonna sound crazy saying this, but he looks more like an older Hope Estheim with black hair to me. O__o
I think I just fell in love with Machina and she is my new Final Fantasy character obsession. O>O

As for the other dude, he looks like a combination of Cid Raines and Noctis o.0

Wait wot? You mean Rem is your favorite final fantasy obsession. If you read the original post it clearly says Machina is the guy and Rem is the girl :wacky:
You FF fans ALWAYS compare new chars with older chars...get over it :ffs:

I think REM looks rather unique and Stella is still hotter than everyone loll...
The guys are typical japan not typical FF...like in anime spiky hair is still appealing..

Expect cliche but I would never get tired of Japan's cliche designs/script. They are still awesome IMO... As long anime is popular so will FF char designs I reckon.
Oh, I assumed that the "Machina & Rem" text was written in order to their photo. Why can't it be "Rem & Machina"? Sexist? :O
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