[20/04] Type-0 Latest Details - Moogles, Rem and Machina

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Feb 19, 2009
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We've already met many of the cast members of Final Fantasy Type-0. This week's Jump has first details on one particularly special character: a Moogle!

The classic Final Fantasy characters will appear in Type-0. Actually, we shouldn't use the plural, as so far we only have confirmation of one Moogle. This week's V Jump has a screenshot [currently not yet disclosed?] of a Moogle whose role is to gives missions to the player.

The magazine also has a closer look at two previously revealed non-Moogle characters, Rem and Machina. We had some preliminary details from the Jump article earlier in the week.

As detailed back in February, Rem and Machina are technically not part of the game's "main character" roster. The game has 12 main characters, all students at the Suzaku magic school in the country of Rebrum. Rem and Machina are also principal characters, but they have a special role in the story. While they're not technically the main characters, from a historical perspective they will be viewed as the main characters. You're going to have to speculate on what that means.

It turns out that Rem and Machina are actually students at the same magic school as the twelve other main characters. They're both new students in the zero class, the same class as the other students.

Rem and Machina have close ties to one-another, as they're childhood friends from the same town. Rem, fully Rem Tokimiya (voice Ryoko Shiraishi), is a master of magic. Machina, fully Machina Kunagiri (voice Hiroshi Kamiya), is an excellent student and one of the most able at Suzaku.

In battle, Machina uses twin blades which look like lengthy drills. He's capable of releasing powerful 10 hit combos. Rem uses daggers, performing beautiful attacks that make it look like she's dancing. She can also use magic attacks.

If the usual patterns hold, we should get a closer look at these areas of Final Fantasy Type-0 next week.

Source: Andriasang

UPDATE: New scans










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You see Rem doesnt look like Stella at all and Machina doesnt look like Noctis. Completely different.. Nice twin drills Machina has.. So these 2 wont be playable? That kinda sucks? :hmmm: I actually hate daggers and dancing even worse, but that dagger does seem cool..I bet she is super fast and can do major combo damage..melee mixed with magic.. interesting.

But are these 2 playable or what>? :P
Is it wrong that I absolutely dig the way Cid looks? This is the first time I look at this game in any positive light, I kind of wonder what kind of character he'll be. I hope he's either a well realized character (fat chance) or ridiculously over the top as to at least have entertainment value. And lolz@ Cidolf Schmitler.
But are these 2 playable or what>? :P

They're playable. There are some screenshots of Rem in action and magazine coverages wouldn't normally focus on NPC fighting styles.

Other than Machina's spiral sabers (clearly the most awesome weapons in the game yet in my opinion), nothing really stands out much in this game at the moment, perhaps bar the rare use of bloody violence as seen in the trailer. Cidolf Hitler could be an interesting guy, but at the moment he seems a bit generic - just your typical dictator. However, I'll give him room to be his own character. If they can pull off Vayne rather well, no reason why Cidolf Hitler can't be done so as well. I am unimpressed with Rem completely. Ordinary-looking Japanese girl (perhaps the point of her design, who knows) and I don't like daggers in general. I'm too busy loving Machina's spiral sabers to care.
The heroine is usually a typical good looking Japanese girl who is unimpressive at the first go. Same can be said by lots of heroines. They start off really unimpressive but later in the game they become pretty impressive because they reveal something in the story. I can think of a few examples but I would rather not list them as I can go on forever xD. I am sure Rem has a really impressive story somewhere that will change her character. I wouldnt say she is the main heroine since we have a lot of characters here.
My Rem and Machina theory:

They are both new students..
Rem is a "Master" of magic...how can she be a master of it at such a young age..she must have had some massive training..
Machina has too awesome twin blades that usually the bad guys would wield..
They both look sinister.
They are not part of the main cast because I think you can only play with them in the beginning.

I think these 2 were sent to infiltrate the school to find out the whereabouts of the crystal and or they will betray the country..They may have had a painful past and seek some type of revenge...

Anyways just a theory lmao...
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