9999 damage and over?


Jun 1, 2008
Hmmmmm i was just wondering what do u need to do to hit over 9999, if u cant that is really stupid...
well can some 1 please tell me what to do to hit over 9999?
I don't see how it is. You can multiple hits though of 9999 by casting Beserk on someone holding a weapon that can deal multiple hits.

I don't know about breaking the limit in general. I don't think you could do it to much anyway in previous titles, unless I'm mistaken.
There were approaches to inflicting over 9999 damage in one hit in the past; firstly there were "armour" in FFX with the Break Damage Limit ability that allowed users to inflict more than 9999 damage, as is the auto-ability of that same name in FFX-2, although in that instalment you can also learn the ability while in a certain job. As far as I know, the damage limit has been removed for the International Zodiac Job System verson of FFXII; according to an article in GameFAQs about FFXII IZJS if you had Vaan as a knight wielding a Tournesol while his level was maxed out, it is possible to inflict in excess of 20,000 damage.
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Aye ^. The Zodiac Job system has a built in 'Break damage limit' system for normal weapons. As for the original FF12 which I presume you have, the only attacks that can deal over 9999 damage are as follows: Black Hole (The best quickening) , Luster Purge (Shemhazi''s Ultimate attack, which deals damage according to how many Rust of Knots you have used.) , Dark Matter (Same effect as the latter) , Zodiac's Ultimate attack (Forgot the name).