A Due Revival...


Dec 2, 2006
New Zealand
"North, South, East or West,
Night or Day. I'll follow you wherever you go,
Be it to paradise, or to the very ends of the Earth,
My promise to you, I'll follow you wherever you go."

Heyyy, FFF. Nice forums you've got here (although maybe a bit too big.) Sephire led me here, wasn't that nice of her? (I'll get you for this ;P)

I look forward to hopefully sticking around and becoming a part of the community (and so on, so forth, lol.)

~A scattered dream that's like a far-off memory.
A far-off memory that's like a scattered dream.
I want to line the pieces up.
Yours, and mine.~

Hello dear, and welcome to FFF :P. Trust you to complain about something in your first post *Nudges* xD. Thankies for joining though, it's much appreciated :). But naw, you wont get me back, tehe. Enjoy yourself, see you around. *Blows a raspberry*
Sure, why not? Thanks for teh welcomes, I feel so...welcomed. Lol. Though I'll stay out of the whole family thing, lol. I'm an orphan ;P of sorts, anyway.
Welcome to the forums! I hope you enjoy this place as much as I do^_^
Ill also be your friend here;)