012: Duodecim A few big hits or a bunch of small hits?


Obnoxious Romantic
Jan 30, 2008
Eldeen Modestine
FFXIV Server
I couldn't think of a shorter, more concise thread title, so lemme explain :P

Dissidia has different characters with their own unique styles, but you as the player still develop you're own strategies, even for the more general gameplay.

My question: do you find yourself conserving Brave Points to launch a few, big HP attacks, or do you use many HP attacks to do a handful of damage each time?

Personally for me, I've found myself conserving BP, so I've only really done maybe 3 or less HP attacks before I take down the CPU.

I can see the downside of conserving BP though. The opponent is certainly capable of bringing down your BP number anyways, so it could all be for naught if they take you out >_<

What about you guys?
For me? :hmm: I like conserving BRV points.

I conserve my BRV until its at least 2-3000 above the opponent if their HP is in the thousands. If in the hundreds, I will build up a few hundred points extra to deal an "overkill".

I don't like building and then attacking, it seems a waste and a bad strategy to me, especially if you are using characters like Tifa, Vaan, Terra and Laguna. They are meant to keep building the BRV ups, or so that's how it comes off.

The only downside I have seen, is the possibility of the opponent hitting you and breaking your BRV points. But I have ways around that, so it doesn't happen much to me unless I'm a new character. xD

I found it easy to build and then attack once its considerably high, when I'm Jecht, Tidus, Cloud or Golbeza. It seems easy to kill the opponents that way with those characters. :P
I tend to see how the fighting style is if its a oppenent who likes dodgeing my chase moves or my bravery attacks i go all out and spam hp moves after using Bahamut

if he uses alot of hp moves I try to hit him with bravery attacks till he has maybe 100-200 brave then let him hit me against a wall and counter with a bravery break and unload on em

if he's REALLY hard I play it safe and spam long range and use summons like Bahamut,Chocobo,Alexander,etc. till my bravery is at a point to where its like a 2 hit victory.

I'll edit this later if I fight a person who breaks the hp limit and share my strat for that
hmmmmm this depends on how hard the cpu is and what character i'm using

if it an easy cpu, i'll go for the bravery break and then use an HP attack

while if it's a tough CPU, then i'll spam HP attacks I tend to use long range hp attacks like cloud's meteor rain, zidane tidal flame, laguna split laser, yuna's energy ray etc

When facing a cpu like this I avoid projectiles attacks, as they just get blocked like terra's holy, cloud's fire, zidane's scoop art, yuna's impulse etc

It also depends on character, for example, with zidane, I will just chip at the CPU HP while with cloud or squall, I'll go for the break
It depends entirely on my opponent. There are some enemies I can get away with stocking up on Bravery and then unleashing a powerful hit, but there are some I find the best tactic is a good HP spam. I tend to use HP spamming on more powerful enemies, such as level 110+ foes.

I HP spam often when against Jecht come to think of it, annoying enough that guy can block everything, I'm just happy to get an attack in at all. :hmph: I try to keep my distance with him, getting caught in his combos ain't all that.