012: Duodecim A few ideas for SquareEnix to make for downloadable content


Reaping souls in the Lifestream
Feb 5, 2011
1)New Stages
2)More extra costumes for characters
3)New Assist Characters ie. Selphie(for Squall) or Zakk(for Cloud)
4)New background music

Also if at all possible(im just taking a gamble here), maybe some new cutscenes?

Anyone else got anymore ideas for downloadable content?
How about a good idea would be some DLC for entirely a different playing style? I mean, this game is a clone of the first one. Maybe be able to do all this cool stuff in an open world or something? The repetitiveness has got to get old eventually.

Or like a 2 on 2 match or a free for all with 8 players. THAT would be some awesome DLC for Dissidia.

/EDIT: If any of this is actually in the game, please tell me. I don't think I saw in the review I watched. :hmmm:
How about a good idea would be some DLC for entirely a different playing style? I mean, this game is a clone of the first one. Maybe be able to do all this cool stuff in an open world or something? The repetitiveness has got to get old eventually.

Uh...it's FAR from a clone. There is plenty of new stuff in it for it to not be called Dissidia 1.5. People who call it that really need to play it because it IS Dissidia 2.0. But that's for another thread.

I don't think they are going to do anything elaborate like that for DLC though. The only things they have stated was costumes and music. I would think that assists are in the realm of possibility. Stages and full characters are probably far-fetched, but you never know.
really? i think the game is pretty much the same, if not worse.

even in a trivial battle where say, you are like level 68 and the enemy is level 35, which is represented by one of those buffed up chess pieces (commander or some shit, its a higher level than all the other guys and is an asshat). All that guy does, is just stand there and dodge all your moves until you've hit HP attack for like the 9th goddamn time in a row, when the entire friggin time the user interface is all like HEY COCKSUCKER A SQUARE ATTACK CAN WIN IT, DO IT MOTHERFUCKER. DO IT!!

you are forced to play the lame story before being able to play the characters you want to play, which by the way have all the same stories that they did in the last game.

Getting a feeling for your character also feels completely lost on the game.
I have an idea. How about making all those exclusive to Europe and all those exclusive to America and Japan DLC- and just give it to the people for free. I mean- it's a costume with a song. Do they have no soul? C'mon. I mean, really.
They are trying to cut down on the piracy.

You couldn't get Aerith from Prologus unless you bought it. I'm pretty sure the DLCs won't work on modded PSPs either. Over on dissidia forums, people that were running OFW or whatever it is called (don't know though and really don't care) couldn't use DLC costumes.

And if you hadn't noticed, 012 is cheaper than Dissidia was when it was released (by like $10 here in the US). So paying for DLC when they come out shouldn't be that big of a deal since you have $10 extra (or however much in other currencies). I'm all for paid DLC, especially if that means it'll get us towards a new game.

I'm glad they are going this route though all those morons that decided to pirate Dissidia almost caused us to not get 012 (they originally said they weren't sure if they were going to do one). I don't want them to do the same with a future game.
i agree with DLC don't forget UMD does have a data limit XD i can't wait for some new costumes :)

also nope... DLC or aerith doesn't work on pirated version of dissidia 012... cuz i had mates moaning about it but it works for me with the brought version XD
They are trying to cut down on the piracy.

You couldn't get Aerith from Prologus unless you bought it. I'm pretty sure the DLCs won't work on modded PSPs either. Over on dissidia forums, people that were running OFW or whatever it is called (don't know though and really don't care) couldn't use DLC costumes.

And if you hadn't noticed, 012 is cheaper than Dissidia was when it was released (by like $10 here in the US). So paying for DLC when they come out shouldn't be that big of a deal since you have $10 extra (or however much in other currencies). I'm all for paid DLC, especially if that means it'll get us towards a new game.

I'm glad they are going this route though all those morons that decided to pirate Dissidia almost caused us to not get 012 (they originally said they weren't sure if they were going to do one). I don't want them to do the same with a future game.


It's only a matter of time until someone finds a way to use DLC on a CFW. They've done it for most other games, and they will for this. Also, I believe you can get Aerith from a cheat program that works on hacked PSPs anyway, so there goes part of your theory.

Square Enix is trying to sell us content piece by piece and make a bit of an extra money off of it in the process. The DLC isn't gonna come cheap, I'm sure, and if you buy it all, it'll probably going to cost quite a bit more than 10 dollars extra.

And Steve, the digital version of it is actually SMALLER than the last game was, so it's no doubt they could have actually fit this all in the game if they had wanted. I've seen games on PSN that are 1.8 gigs and this one was only about 1 if I remember rightly.

Square is just trying to make money. We need to stop giving them excuses.

It's only a matter of time until someone finds a way to use DLC on a CFW. They've done it for most other games, and they will for this. Also, I believe you can get Aerith from a cheat program that works on hacked PSPs anyway, so there goes part of your theory.

Square Enix is trying to sell us content piece by piece and make a bit of an extra money off of it in the process. The DLC isn't gonna come cheap, I'm sure, and if you buy it all, it'll probably going to cost quite a bit more than 10 dollars extra.

And Steve, the digital version of it is actually SMALLER than the last game was, so it's no doubt they could have actually fit this all in the game if they had wanted. I've seen games on PSN that are 1.8 gigs and this one was only about 1 if I remember rightly.

Square is just trying to make money. We need to stop giving them excuses.

hmmmm i agree with you there cody but.... that the digital version... (I know that FFIX is over 2GB) but i'm talking about the DISCS (you know the thing that you put in the psp 'if anybody does that now')

and BTW.. the aerith thing can't be given via a cheat.. because Aerith is seprate data that you have to download with prologus.. cuz that y i didn't get her in the japanese version :D
hmmmm i agree with you there cody but.... that the digital version... (I know that FFIX is over 2GB) but i'm talking about the DISCS (you know the thing that you put in the psp 'if anybody does that now')

and BTW.. the aerith thing can't be given via a cheat.. because Aerith is seprate data that you have to download with prologus.. cuz that y i didn't get her in the japanese version :D

I'm pretty sure that she can be in the US version. Seems I remember reading that she's actually unlocked in the game, rather than added in. Other DLC isn't that way though. I may have to go check now. I don't know cuz I actually bought both games despite having a hacked PSP :-)wacky:).

Also Steve, if you look at PSN you'll see that actual PSP games that are released on UMD have bigger sizes than that too. Although the Japanese ISO was something like 1.7GB, it's possible that that wasn't all data.
I got an idea for DLC's how about Giving us a whole game and not adding stuff later? What happen to when all the extra stuff was actually IN the game, and not added at later dates?

But if they do do DLC's
I'd rather have more characters and more story than anything else, I could care less about songs or costumes to be honest with people, im not going go spend money on something that should of been in the game.
Honestly I'm just miffed about the fact that I missed preorder DLC. Speaking of which does anybody have a spare Cloud and/or Tifa code? I honestly would think it amussing to have a "Miss" Cloud costume as DLC.
Wheelchair Cloud.


That would make this game fucking awesome for like 6 hours.
I'm thinking Lightning's armor outfit we saw in the ffxiii-2 trailer. That would be beyond epic, no? Highly unlikely, though. :(
Yeah, I imagine they're only making 1 DLC for each character, and as Lightning already has her Aya Brea costume, she won't likely be getting another one. To be honest, I was really dissappointed with Terra's DLC costume. I mean, almost everyone has a "sprite" representative of themselves, but I think Terra's green hair alt doesn't do hers justice, the most noticeable problem being the bright green, instead of "mint" green. (But i'm pretty crazy like that.) I mean, her amano outfits look good, but I think we have too many of them. Aside from that, i'm fairly happy with the other characters downloadable costumes.
Downloadable characters. Seifer, Zack, Vincent, Celes, Vivi, Garnet, Seymour. Just to name a short few.
