A Final Fantasy ps2 Collection Remastered in HD for PS3 [11/4]

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王 Yoshida

King Of Asians
Jul 30, 2010
Since the launch of the Playstation 3 Sony has always said they were committed to their Playstation fans, and wanted to make the PS2 to Playstation 3 transition as easy as possible. In the early days backwards compatibility was a part of the plan. However, recently SCEA Marketing Boss John Koller stated that backwards compatibility was off the table, and that the majority of gamers are buying the Playstation 3 to play PS3 games.

Well, we happen to catch up with one of Sony’s own at a recent press event, while getting some one on one time, they broke down exactly what’s been happing at Sony regarding the PlayStation 3, and backwards compatibility. Here’s what we found.

Prior to the launch of the Metal Gear Solid 4 PS3 Bundle, which was released back in June of 2008, Sony had decided to remove Backwards Compatibility from their system. Once the MGS run was over, Playstation 2 play back had been removed via the launch of the 40 GB PS3. Their reason, the cost outweighed the benefit. Their plan was to look for a new way to include the feature later in the systems life cycle.

The MGS 4 bundle was Sony first attempt at keeping the feature through a lower cost, and the use of PS2 software emulation. Yet, once the MGS 4 bundle had successful pulled Sony out of the Console failure red zone, the decision was made to remove backwards compatibilities completely. Here’s what they were thinking.

“We had a number of Ideas on the table at the time, but only a few were sticking. It was important for us to find ways to make get profitable again, and it was clear the Playstation 3’s road to success was going to be a long one. We couldn’t afforded to add features just because gamers were use to them on our past systems, we needed to look at things from a business perspective first”

Once the 40 GB PS3 was released Sony was convinced backwards compatibility had no financial value, and that the feature only counted for console loyalty, most of which had already been lost to the Xbox 360.

It was clear from our conversation that Sony likes the idea of backwards compatibility, but hadn’t come to a conclusion until recently, on how to incorporate it. When asked about a firmware options this was his response.

“the idea of updating every Non-backwards compatibile PS3 was one of the first to be considered. It also happens to be the one idea that cost the most to do. Almost every game needs specific emulation software, and in most cases that software needs to be update and tweaked just to get close to its original quality on the PS2. Not to mention no one makes money off a firmware updates”

The MGS 4 Bundle, which used emulation for backwards compatibility required multiple updates to improve quality. Some PS2 games, though few in numbers, still have visually problems when played on the 80GB PlayStation 3.

“One of the ideas that almost made it to market, but is still in play, was to gradually place every PlayStation 2 game on the PSN for download, pricing most games at or around 9.99. This would be done much like what’s happing with the PS1 classics right now on the PSN. “

This option is still talked about at Sony’s HQ, and will likely be use for some of the lower market titles, which could start as early as Q3 of next year. The decision Sony finally came to is the one already in play, HD ReMastering.

“Re Mastering didn’t come up until about two years ago. For a developer, ReMastering in HD took a moderate amount of time and effort to achieve, and with the right title it could be very successful. Once we noticed the benefits of HD ReMastering, the decision was made to use God of War 1 & 2 as the test for the market, and they delivered.”

The God of war Collection has sold almost 2 million copies to date.

“The God of War Collection had reached almost a million copies sold just after the holiday. Shortly aftter that Activision, EA , UbiSoft, Konami, and SquareEnix were all on board to issue ReMastered Edition of their best Playstation 2 Games.”

The idea of burning the PlayStation fan was an issue considered; however, Sony felt issuing a firmware update only helped retailers like GamesStop sell more copies of games Sony and other developers spent time and money making.

“The industry’s best developers are ReMastering their best games. Prince of Persia, Shadow of Colossus, and ICO are just the beginning. When fans see what Konami’s doing to the Metal Gear series, and what Square’s doing with Final Fantasy, they’re going to be very happy.”

He went on to say doing backwards Compatibility through HD ReMastering is best for gamers, developers, and the PlayStation 3. Gamers get to enjoy their favorite games in HD, with trophy support, ReMastered games fall under the Licensing for the PlayStation 3, and is consider a PS3 title, developers can reap a return on games they develop years ago,

Sony gets royalties for the new sales generated under the PlayStation 3 agreement for Remastered titles, so this is a plus for the Playstation pocket book.

Be prepared to play your favorite Playstation 2 classics in Stereoscopic 3D, HD, and in digital 7.1 surround sound. All this equipped on one gorges Blu-Ray Disc.

source >>>http://www.thegameheadz.com/Home/AddArticles/PlaystationNetwork/tabid/211/PageIndex/1/Default.aspx
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Seeing final fantasy X in HD would make me so incredibly happy... Of course, if they do keep their promise and do it before I'm 90.
That doesn't sound like a bad idea. Though whenever I get the PS3 and those HD versions of the PS2 FF games do come out, I may actually trade in/sell my PS2 copies before I get them because I don't like having multiple types of the same game . Lord knows I'm saving up .
I heard about this earlier today. I highly support this. More than likely, it will be two games. Im thinking probably a HD set of FFX with FFX2. Most other compilations have done two games and not just one such as God of War and ICO/Shadow of the Collossus and it will be 39.99.
I was hoping that if Square-Enix was getting in on PS2>PS3 ports, it would be for Kingdom Hearts 1 and 2 Final Mix+ so I could finally play them :jess:

But if it is FFX, FFX-2 and/or FFXII, I gotta be honest, I can't see myself charging out for a day 1 purchase. Maybe if there's new content (like how PAL versions got some nifty features NA missed out on) but if it's just a graphic enhancement, I wouldn't care too much. I'd get them, sure, but not right away.
While it'll be nice to be able to play them all on one console, and not have to replug in the PS2 everytime I wanna give FFX/X-2/XII a whirl... like Fusionist, I won't be going out and buying them straight away.

Unless there's some extras added, which could always be possible - as an extra incentive to get people to rebuy old games, I'm more than content to wait till the price drops.

I think it's a great idea though.
If the Xenosaga trilogy gets out, and FFX/X-2 get out as HD collections.. then pfft, I have no use for my PS2. Eff that. I may end up picking up a PS3 soon enough but if they're going to be remodeled in some way later down the line, and it's not a firmware issue or whatever then bah.. I don't wanna pick one up and trade it later. But the HD collections sound epiiiiic
sometimes SE news threads make me laugh

because it's funny to see how they are freaking out like OMG WE DID IT MAJOR WRONG NOW EVERYTHING IS TEH SUCK and are trying to pull profitable solutions out of their ass like no tomorrow. :wacky:

sometimes i wonder how much of the final fantasy team spend their time polishing the boots of major gaming industries that were legendary and never superflopped with their tears. :monster:

but eh... PS2 graphics were pretty good. I don't see a lot of profit being made off of that. i mean, maybe if you made tidus look like less of a queer and gave all the females super provocative borderline pornographic costumes... as well as a very detailed character viewer (remember to put a plant in it, if theres a plant its art, not porn!) :awesome:

you might get somewhere. sex is major profit! we demand teh noods! :awesome:
The notion of an FFXII remake sounds very appealing, especially if they include the Zodiac Job system...which, if they're not going to do this sometime over the next two months or so, they really have no excuse for leaving out, other than sheer laziness, which seems to be a virtue with SE these days. I can't see them putting FFX, X-2 and XII on the same disc, though. X and X-2, maybe.

Its amusing how doing this would be the only thing SE has done right recently, though. It doesn't say very much for a company when all they can do right is re-release their old games...
but you forget

it's square enix

they take 4 years to do anything final fantasy :awesome:
you might get somewhere. sex is major profit! we demand teh noods! :awesome:

+1 (y)

But seriously, as well as Ico/SOTC which i'm already pumped for, as far as FF is concerned i'd only get the remastered ones if, like has already been said, they get some extras for incentives, in particular for me: KHFM, FF12 ZJS

And random shizzle like that :mokken: no fair Japan hogging it all :sad3:
This sounds awesome, this may be the thing that actually makes me wanna save up for a ps3, (should be doable by Q3 2011 :cookie: )since then I wont have a need for my almost worn out ps2 anymore. Furtermore this is a great oppertunity for those whom havent played the "classic" ps2 yet.
On the surface, yes. It sounds like a great idea. Those Japanese International release additional features they always have (Martel brought one of them up in relation to FFXII: International), we never received. This could be the chance for us to have them. It's a great way to interest more people into purchasing a PS3 to replace their old PS2s, particularly if they have never owned the previous games.

BUT...if we're to pause and consider this - why? I know that this pertains mainly the project of remastering PS2 games in general, but the PS2 Final Fantasies are not really games that come to my mind of what games I would like to see remastered. Their visuals aren't too bad. Is it really necessary to see them in HD? Doesn't that involve more work for Square Enix or something? Is that what they are reduced to? Their latest games have been suffering lately in terms of reception and they choose to go about this route instead? They may as well make that damn FFVII remake then. That's a massive potential goldmine.
Olive, I think it's more about bringing the PS2 collection to the PS3, to try and make up for the fact that they've taken away BC from us after the first models. The FF line is obviously their goldmine next to the KH line. If they did remastered collections of both and see how they did, with or without international version exclusives, then they'd probably start porting other well known games to the HD: Re collection, and then other not so well known games on the PSN... so that we have a way to play our PS2 games on our PS3's and can finally get rid of em.
PS2 Final Fantasies... X, X-2 and XII? Are they really worth upgrading?

I have no problem whatsoever with these games (ignoring the content, just looking at the speed of the game, sound and pictures) and I still think their graphics are gorgeous, so I don't see any point in getting the remastered versions.

Be prepared to play your favorite Playstation 2 classics in Stereoscopic 3D, HD, and in digital 7.1 surround sound. All this equipped on one gorges Blu-Ray Disc.
sounds too expensive. Maybe if they consider doing an upgrade job with the old FF's I'd be willing to shell out the full retail price. Or maybe even the PSP titles (Crisis Core and, my personal wish, DISSIDIA FOR PS3 PLEASE).
If Final Fantasy X gets an HD release, I will instantly purchase it, and play (try) FFX again, since I failed at it every other time, the game would look SO SEXY in 1080p, I would probably have an orgasm. And if Final Fantasy X-2 came along with the package, I would just... Wow, I officially got my hopes up. This would be great. Please do, Square! :) Gimme it for a Christmas Present! ^_^
it would be awesome if i could get X, X-2, and XII in HD!!! even VII DoC would be decent
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