A Final Fantasy XIII Movie?


Jun 30, 2007
North Wales
Considering the fact that it might last ten years,(in which case the story better be epic!) I was wondering if there might be some sort of full length CGI film?
i wouldn't be surprised... if you see all those different styles they're planning to release...

i hope so, the game might fail, but a movie would be destined to rock(see AC for example)
Hmm...AC was fine and all,but I think I would rather keep future FF's as games.ALTHOUGH,having a FFXIII movie wouldn't be that bad of an idea. ^_^
I don't see it happening. But i wouldn't be surprised if there was a XIII movie, i suspect they'll wait to see how well the game(s) sell before they even think about making another movie again.
the graphics of the new games will be so good (hopefully) that i don't even think a movie will be necessary, as far as it looks your going to be pretty much playing a movie.
I'm sure that they mentioned that they were going to produce a film as part of the FFXIII compilation. I would love for a FFXIII Movie to be created; the new games seem to be really pushing the franchise and I think the movie would be true, epic animation splendour. I think that, if i'm right, then Square will already have this film in the works, or in some form of production. Because this compilation is well fought out from the very get-go the movie would be a far cry from the other 2, not so amazing, films.
I'm not sure about a movie. I find they really let the series down. The stories in the game are so deep and complex. A good movie would have to last at least 4 hours. :lol: I found that the story in X can be cut-down to this length, only just. Stories like that in The Spirits Within and Advent Children weren't that good. They could make 2 films that tell one story, though.
No. Spreading out the creative team just makes for weaker individual titles. Perhaps a retelling of a certain story arc would be acceptable, but a movie based on the game-verse would not be. AC was terrible. Pretty, but by no means a strong story.

Similarly, FFXII was weak because too much attention was paid to detail, rather than a holistic view of the game, as was even somewhat admitted by some of the production team.
As much as I’d hate to see it… I wouldn't be surprised if they did. I guess I’d rather play a game then watch a movie about it. On a side note, I think SE should stick to what they do best and that’s making games.