Announcements A statement about the Final Fantasy VII: Remake leaks


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Jun 26, 2008
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As most of you are probably aware, a recent datamine has leaked an enormous quantity of information about the Final Fantasy VII Remake. This leak includes screenshots and character renders but also important plot details. This information doesn’t just include information about the demo (the existence of the demo itself being leaked information) but about the game as a whole.

We have decided that FFF shall not be reporting on this information or sharing it on social media. This is out of respect to Square Enix and the team behind the Remake, but also so that we can avoid spoiling the game for ourselves and others.

Many of us are very excited about the FFVII Remake, but some people would rather experience the game as Square Enix intended and enjoy the new interpretation of the story on March 3rd. While most people are familiar with the plot of the original game, the Remake is known to be its own thing and is intended to surprise players. Please, let us keep the magic by protecting ourselves here.

Please don't share the leaks themselves. If you wish to refer to any aspects related to these leaks on the forum here or on our Discord, you may do so. However, we insist that spoiler tags must be used (on everything) and to make it very clear that the spoiler tags refer to leaked content. This will mean that anybody clicking on the spoiler tags will know for certain what they are clicking on and that it remains their choice. Please think very carefully before doing this. We don't want to spread the leaks on FFF.

We thank you for your cooperation.
Here we are again.

Square Enix have very generously shipped the Final Fantasy VII Remake early so that at least some of us can get the game by its due date of April 10th, despite complications caused by coronavirus. This means that some people might receive their copies early and could therefore be accessing details before we are all supposed to.

See here:

Square Enix have asked for discretion and respect in order to avoid ruining people’s experiences with the game by posting spoilers and details about it before people have a chance to play it. After a fantastic gesture like this it is only right that we should also ask that people take care here on FFF not to spoil this experience for others.

Please be fair. Please do not post or leak any information about the Final Fantasy VII Remake before April 10th. See here for Square Enix's Material Usage Licence:

We ask for common sense and caution until the game has released.

After the game has released officially we ask if people could continue to use spoiler tags for spoilerish details. We’ll all be progressing at different speeds after all. While the original game is familiar to many of us, to some it will be a new experience and there are also several details in this Remake which will be new to everybody.

Thank you for cooperating.

Let’s mosey!
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The embargo on discussing spoilers in the Final Fantasy VII Remake has now been lifted.

Feel free to make as many threads as you like in this section:

We must reiterate that people must use spoiler tags for spoilerish details. Some people are still waiting for their copies in the post, while others are progressing at different speeds. The original game might be familiar to most of us, but it will be a new experience for others. If in doubt, use spoiler tags to be safe.

How do you do that?

I have prepared a graphic to explain in case anyone doesn't know (most will).

FFVII Remake how to use spoiler tags.png

Click on the three dots above the post and then select 'Spoiler' to create a dropdown block spoiler tag:
I hope you enjoy the Remake. :)

Or click 'Inline spoiler' to create spoiler which blacks out particular lines in a text. Like this.

Any spoilers discovered that aren't hidden in tags shall be removed or placed in tags by staff, but in extreme cases we might have to take further action. Just be kind and reasonable and we'll be fine, as I know you will be.

If you have any questions, let me know. We shall be posting a few threads of our own but we welcome any discussions people wish to have about the Remake. More importantly, enjoy the Remake!
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So apparently the PS5 version (Intergrade) has shipped earlier than intended and the Yuffie DLC (Intermission) has leaked. In line with the above statement from last year, please respect Square Enix and refrain from posting leaked details and spoilers!

When the proper time comes, mere days away, you are very welcome to post about plot content and the like, but please use spoiler tags!