Playstation Aargh! No fair!


Jan 3, 2008
I cannot afford to buy a ps3, not until it goes down say...£100/200. So i'm a little bit stuck now. No final fantasy XIII, no kingdom hearts III.
Its so unfair!!!
Sigh. I'll just have to start saving, i guess. :dry:
FFXIII and KHIII won't be out til mid/late 2009 in the UK at the very earliest. I'm sure by then you'll have money raised and the PS3 will have dropped in price.
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I cannot afford to buy a ps3, not until it goes down say...£100/200. So i'm a little bit stuck now. No final fantasy XIII, no kingdom hearts III.
Its so unfair!!!
Sigh. I'll just have to start saving, i guess. :dry:

You should be happy.

It wouldn't matter if those games were available or not if you lack the console to play them on. This way you get to save money for the console without being tortured by the thought that the games are out despite you not having a Playstation 3. =D
Yeah same here. I have a PS2, and if they make a FFVII PS3 remake when I do not have a ps3, I'm gonna cry. =`(

buut...I do have $390 in my bank account...$$$
I cannot afford to buy a ps3, not until it goes down say...£100/200. So i'm a little bit stuck now. No final fantasy XIII, no kingdom hearts III.
Its so unfair!!!
Sigh. I'll just have to start saving, i guess. :dry:
Why don't you ship them from America?
They're out now.

OR ARE THEY?!?! :monster:

If it's not, ship them from Japan, that are English version.
i feel better now!!!
Why?did you got the PS3?

Crap I should know it...I'm the last person who'll buy it!!
Buy the games and when you got the money by the PS3.

I do that then torture myself with a game Iknow I can't play for ages

I don't have a PS3 either & I know I won't be able to afford one for a good while. Probably this time next year if I don't start managing my funds a little better >_<