Above, Below, and Between ~ Chapter One, CRISIS.

Rise Against

Chocobo Breeder
May 3, 2007
Within the corrupt, and without the righteous.
~ Above, Below, And Between ~

“Where has Mordecai fled to?”
“The Western Kingdom of Jamliene, my Lord.”
“Bring him to me, as soon as possible. Ride, Malcolm, to Jamliene, and retrieve my son, willing or unwilling. You have three days. If you are not back by dusk of the third day, we will march without you. Do not fail me, my son.”
“Yes, my Lord.”
With that, he left the King’s chamber, heading directly to his steed. After his supplies were given to him by his servant, he set off, to find his brother Mordecai. He headed West, toward Jamliene.
The King was left with three other men. All of them wore similar attires, consisting of a shiny armor labeled by his liege’s seal, and a sword. Their faces were also alike, excluding their different colored hair; one was blue, one was red, and the last was blonde. They approached the King’s table, as did He, and they sat to discuss the preparations.
“The war will begin shortly. Your brother Malcolm will return with Mordecai, and we will march straight towards the Northern Heights of the Pegasus’ kingdom, Goliath. They will fall to Ammecrine, and we will then sweep across the rest of the nation. Forever live, Ammecrine. Forever live, me, and my sons. Even the Gods will tremble, and bow at our feet..”
A cloaked creature crept to the King’s side, extending a withered hand to his shoulder. He spoke, silently, and almost in a hiss. He was not audible to the three young men.
“My King.. You have done well. You will win this war, and be King of Aumicelia, yet! March on my King. March on… but, do not give the armies to your sons, no. Give them to me, my liege. I shall assist you, and prevent the possible execution of your sons…”
To the creature, the King whispered, annoyed but at the same time worried, “My sons should fight with me, no? They should lead my batt..”
“Hissss….. nooooo… do not rissssk it. I will lead. Give me command.”
“Yes… I will give you command,” he turned to address the others, “My sons… Veliath will lead the army, and not you. I have other uses for you. Understood?”
All together, they replied – “Yes, my King!”
The creature hissed in delight as it reached into its pocket. It's wrinkly hand pulled out a beautiful, purple stone, and set it on the table before all of them. It was rough, and had a series of edges. The size was that of a chicken egg.
"The second of four, my King. This Magite will lead you to victory."
The King picked it up, and weighed it up and down in his hand. A grin spread across his face, and soon after, a frown.
"Where is the other stone?"
"Your sssson, my King... he stole it."
~ Chapter One, CRISIS ~
As of late, the peaceful world known as Aumicelia, has turned upside down. The once serene five nations are enraged for unknown reasons, and wage war against each other. Only two of them remain neutral – Jamliene and Likiah. Ammecrine, the Southeastern Nation, has taken specific and bold action by organizing an army. They plan to march into the North, take Goliath, and after, the last remaining kingdom – Nordanis.
Currently, the King has sent his second oldest son, Malcolm, to retrieve his second youngest son, Mordecai. He has sworn not to march for three days, giving Malcolm just enough time to return and lead a portion of the army, as he was told he was going to do. Fortunately, this has postponed the feud between the kingdoms temporarily. They scramble to organize defenses against the fore coming attack with the time given, but order is still lost. Within the Kingdoms themselves, the people run wild, eclipsing their fear with anger. They brawl in the streets, and have no superior to control them. It is chaos.
Goliath, in a seemingly final desperate attempt, dispatches several letters across Aumicelia, inviting warriors of all types to it’s kingdom. It seems, Ammecrine is not Goliath's only threat. The letters are quite vague, and simply state “You are the hope of Aumicelia. You will save her, you and the others. Come to Goliath, and I shall explain it to you.”

- Summary -
The world is in a chaotic turmoil. Five to ten characters will be gathered in Goliath ( the letters were sent to your characters, and your characters are responding, obviously ) and meet the King. Fate will take them from there, and guide them across Aumicelia, revealing an even deeper plot. I won’t say anything now, but it will be slightly revealed by the King of Goliath (Goliath himself.). I want you all to know that, Aumicelia is INCREDIBLY vast. I used the word at least twice in my opening. A ride on a horse from Ammecrine to Goliath would take at least four days. I am telling you this, because I felt like it wasn’t expressed enough in the opening. Also, most of Aumicelia is open field.
You do not need to read the following sections in maroon. They are just a glimpse of Aumicelia and it's kingdom's, for more information about them, and what the world is like.

The Five Kingdoms of Aumicelia
- First, Aumicelia at a Glance -
Aumicelia is a vast expanse of three continents, all connected by small strips of land. Around these continents, is a colossal ocean, raging at all times. Aumicelia has not yet found a way to cross this ocean, and has never been recorded to make an attempt. The three continents form a simple triad, and all five kingdoms are scattered throughout it. A seemingly perfectly patch of ocean floods into the middle of this triad formation. It’s water source is said to be underground. Spreading across half of the second, and a quarter of the third continent is a blazing desert. This is where, most of the Bankurin population reside.
The triad is upside down ( looking at it from a correct North/South/East/West map ), and the continents are counted from the top left corner ( as the first continent ) to the top right corner ( as the second continent ) and the bottom continent ( as the third, and last ).
In Aumicelia, are five kingdoms, and countless towns/cities. Rumors speak of there being an Elven domain in the Green Abysmal. The Green Abysmal ( refer to Jamliene section for a description ) holds many magics, and is said to be the heart and source of all magic in Aumicelia.
- Kingdoms -
Jamliene – ( Pronounced JAM-LEE-EN-UH ) – This lush kingdom stands dominant in the Western Nation. It is located in a thick and deep forest called “The Green Abysmal”, on the first continent. Behind the kingdom, is a clear, forestless expanse, which is actually it’s entrance.
Goliath – ( Pronounced GO-LY-ITH ) – This kingdom is located on the second continent, to the North. It, in itself, makes up the entire Northern Nation. The kingdom is built on the side of a mountain, and looks down upon a vast expanse of clear land below. It is beautiful in every way, and very intricate.
[COLOR=#00e0]Lekiah[/COLOR] – ( Pronounced LUH-KY-UH ) – This kingdom is located in the southern third continent, south of Nordanis. It is fairly average and slightly poor in structure, even in population. It is not to be reckoned with as a threat, but most great warriors who have turned reclusive reside here.
Nordanis – ( Pronounced NORE-DAYNE-ISS ) – Nordanis is located in the Western Nation, by the Green Abysmal forest. It flanks Jamliene, and looks at it’s entrance. Nordanis is the closest kingdom to the ocean. Here, raging storms are always running through. The main kingdom is almost completely covered and protected by a cover-like cape overhead.
Ammecrine – ( Pronounced AM-IH-KRIN ) – Ammecrine is located in the far Eastern expanse, in the third continent. It, along with Lekiah, makes up the Southern Nation. This extravagant kingdom is built over a wide range of land, and has multiple cities within it.
*There are many races in Aumicelia. The main three, are as listed -
HumansHumans have only been in Aumicelia for a few thousand years. Ancient scrolls and scripts indicate that they crossed the raging oceans and ended up in Aumicelia, but could not return. Since, they have played an important role in the world, and have almost turned into a tyrannical race.
ElvesThey have been around since the dawn of Aumicelia. They are the magical beings of the planet, and without them, Aumicelia would rot and decay over a short period of time. Their richness keeps the life of the planet healthy. They appear to be a very defined human, normally taller than most, and have incredible magical and physical capabilities. Their ears are slightly pointed.
Bankurin – ( Pronounced BAN-KOO-RIN ) - Despicable and gross creatures. They stand nearly seven feet tall, and resemble a infectuous bearman-like creature. They do speak the modern tongue, but also have their own unique communicative language. They are ferocious, and will most likely be assuming power in the war. They gather in the Uchipa Desert, and reside underground there. It is rumored that their numbers are in the thousands to tens of thousands, and that they are also located in the Green Abysmal forest.
Magic flows through all of Aumicelia, and in a way, powers it. The richness of forests and grasslands all come from the underground 'streams' or 'rivers' of magist liquid. The liquid is highely potent and toxicant, and can be used as a source of energy to perform magic. This liquid, or a hardened form of it ( Magite ) is completely necessary in order to perform magic.
Magic, magist, and magite are all common among the elves especially. They are said to be born of pure magist, and can perform magic without magist or magite. Elves often use magic as a weapon.
Magically capable humans are rare, but there have been some in the past, and even now they are roaming Aumicelia. With the help of a stone of magite, one could easily perform magic. A few historic figures that have used magic, include Goliath ( King of Goliath ), Oridius ( King of Nordanis ), and Odanis, previous king of Nordanis.
Magite can only be used as a source of energy if it is extremely close, or in direct contact with an individual. The source is abundant, but once drained, the magite is completely useless until it regenerates all of its energy and power. This process normally takes a hundred, to a thousand years, depending on the magite's size.
- Rules -

1. ) No g-moding, or p-playing.
2. ) I doubt there will be time for romance, so... lol?
3. ) It would be nice if, someone could play 'Malcolm', Mordecai's brother, as well as their own character. If not, I'll be playing him, ( since he is an extremely important character ) and the four other brothers.
4. ) Aumicelia is incredibly vast, so just keep that in mind.
5. ) I will kick off the story exactly three days after the events took place in my intro. Mordecai has reached Goliath, Malcolm has discovered that Mordecai was actually going there and not Jamliene, and King Amilius ( King of Ammecrine ) has given Veliath full command over his army.
6. ) Always try to post a literate two paragraphs. Always. If you can't quite get to two paragraphs once or twice, that's alright. But two paragraphs is going to be the set minimum.
7. ) Any race is fine. You are not limited to just Humans and Elves. I didn't say Bankurin, because they aren't really a vital part of the story, and of course, they're not able to cooperate with others, causing problems.

Templates, ( Fill out the following and post it, then I will accept you, and once enough people have done so, I will kick off the rp with an intro post. Afterwards, the people who have joined may post in-character. )

Name :
Age : ( Keep it over thirteen, please. )
Gender :
Appearance : ( Pictures are alright, but I would like at least a paragraph or two of description with them.
Personality :
Biography : Two paragraphs, at least.
( Anything you feel I missed, go ahead and add. )
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