Accepted Alternate Bio Formats

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Get out.
Mar 24, 2009
Setzer's Tent
Listed below are Bio Formats that vary from the site's general version. All of these Formats have been cleared by the RP Mod, and will still touch on all the basic principles that the general Format covers. If you submit a character using one of these Formats, let the RP Mod know by either PMing them, or by mentioning it at the top of your bio.

If you have a format that you would like to submit, PM the RP Mod (Terrible Terry Tate) with your format. If it meets certain criteria, it will be accepted and posted here for use by others on the site.

General FFF Bio Format
Raye's Bio Format





Date of Birth: {Optional}[The month, day, and year your character was born. Doesn't have to be based on our modern day character]

Place of Birth: [Where your character was born]

Current Residence: [Where your character currently lives]

Resides With: [Does your character still live with his family or with roommates, then put it here. If s/he lives by him/herself, just put 'alone']

Zodiac Sign: {Optional}


Nationality: {Optional}[Basically what origin your character is. This may not be needed if your character does not come from Earth.]

Sexual Orientation: [What are your character's preferences. Examples ae heterosexual, asexual, bisexual, lesbian, gay, transgender, intersexual, etc.]

Appearance: [picture can be posted here, but some people can't tell what people are by looks. Sometimes they need a description broken down, like the following]:



Skin Tone:

Eye Color:

Hair Color:

Body Type:

Blood Type:

__________________________________________________ __________________________


First Impression:

Distinguishing Marks: {Optional}[Refers to any unique marks your characters have. Whether if they have piercings, tattoos, scars, some sort of mutation/distortion - describe them here.]

Religion/Spiritual Views: [What is your character's faith if s/he has one.]

Political Affiliation: [What spot your character stands for in regard to politics.]

Style: [What your character's general taste in attire is. If s/he likes to wear a specific color, wear a favorite fabric, or wears a lot of accessories, put them down here]


Casual - [What your character generally wears if s/he's not expecting or doing any combat.]

Disguise -[Whenever your character is in hiding or is in pursuit of someone and tries to avoid
being recognized, describe what s/he wears in this case.]

Apparatus A -[The main outfit that your character wears during voyaging and combat.]

Apparatus B -{Optional}[Does your character have an alternative main outfit, describe it

Special Talents/Abilites:



Weaknesses: [Every character has a soft spot or something that can give them the lower hand in battle. It can range from emotional/mental issues to ailments to attacks that s/he's more vulnerable to than others.]

Vitality :

Speed :

Stamina :

Reflexes :

Fighting Style :

Weapons :

Magic :

Other Skills :

Favorite Food: [If your character has a stomach, s/he should have something that s/he finds more delectable than other things. Put it here ~]

Least Favorite Food: [Not everything in this world is tasty. Put what your character dislikes the taste of more than anything.]

Bad Habits: [This could be anything you character has a problem with. Does s/he swear a lot, is s/he a frequent smoker, an alcoholic, or harshly blunt with people? Anything that may give your character a bad vibe, list them here.]


Past Occupations: [If your character has had a previous class or has been employed somehow in the past, list them here.]

Activities/Organizations: {Optional}[Did your character take part in any organizations or is currently in one? List them here and describe what his/her role was in the group.]

Speech: [How does your character sound when he/she talks. Does he/she have a high or low toned voice, would you think he/she was a child just by listening to how he/she talks, does he/she have an accent? Describe your character's vocals here.]

Quote: [Something memorable or often said by your character.]

__________________________________________________ __________________________

Relationship Status: [Single/In a Relationship/Married/Divorced/Widowed/Engaged]

Relationship History: [Give a brief history on what your character's views on relationships are and the past ones s/he's been in (doesn't have to be about every person s/he's been with).]

Family: [A list of your character's important relatives go here. Give a small to medium description about their general lives and their closeness to your character.]

Personal Adversaries: [Enemies that your characters have come to hate in their lifetime. List them here with a small bio, briefly describing their life and how they have become your character's nemesis.]

Close Companions: [Close friends that your character has made in his/her lifetime. Not the kind that s/he had met just 5 minutes ago. List them here with a small bio, briefly describing their life and how they have became companions with your character.]

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Themes : {Optional}[List any songs here that suit your character's personality best.]

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