Accounting is quite possibly the worst class ever.


Feb 22, 2011
It's just so dull, nothing interesting at all, then the only way to get good is to do it over and over and over. I simply do not have the attention span for that.:gonk:
I know how you feel, trust me. I mean, I'm not in college, but, for my shop class, we have to take something call "Financial Records", and it's really boring. My shop teacher calls it something we need to learn. I hate having to sit there and read a section (called Jobs in my book), and then doing a project longer then the job itself. And I do it almost every dang day. Ugh, I hate it.

Math really isn't any fun usually. But practice makes perfect in it. So at least it doesn't randomly change like science.

Damn you pluto are you a planet or aren't you? :rage:

Math really isn't any fun usually. But practice makes perfect in it. So at least it doesn't randomly change like science.

Damn you pluto are you a planet or aren't you? :rage:

I hate having to remember all the formulas. I mean, when are we going to use x=y +1 or something like that. We should be learning something literal that we can use. Not something that takes us weeks to memorize.
Well I wouldn't go as far as to say that math has no use at all.

But in certain careers it would seem silly to make someone learn so MUCH math that they're never going to use at all. I mean, I'm never going to use Calculus so why make me learn it?

It's just memorization and then forgetting. A waste of time.
Well I wouldn't go as far as to say that math has no use at all.

But in certain careers it would seem silly to make someone learn so MUCH math that they're never going to use at all. I mean, I'm never going to use Calculus so why make me learn it?

It's just memorization and then forgetting. A waste of time.

I never said that it didn't have a use. But, I mean, why are they teaching us (high school students) advance Algebra, Trig and Calculus if we're never going to need it. Okay, I may need to use some form of advanced math, but, that's because of the path I chose.

Memorization? Pff. I forget it the moment I learn it. I could have a cheat sheet in front of me, and I'd still forget it.
Okay folks, this is a thread about accounting, not a rant about how much we hate school system math. So lets get back on topic please. Thank you.

This exactly. Algebraic math isn't terrible as it actually comes in useful with other things, a lot of career require you to know it. Mind you there are some that really don't need it yet make it a pre-req. Look at me, ranting about it now:x3:...Anyways, there is a practical use to accounting, it's just so damn dull and I regret taking it as opposed to something a little more interesting. Like chemistry!:yay:

Quite clearly, none of you have done anything beyond the most ridiculously basic level of Accounting, if that.

Firstly, there is hardly any maths involved at all beyond basic addition/subtraction/multiplication/division. There are a few formulae you need to remember for performance measurement ratios, but those aren't exactly difficult. They are NOT mathematicl formula in the general sense - you're taking numbers (almost always from a financial statement, that you won't have to calculate yourself) and multiplying or dividing them to produce a comparative measure, you're not spending hours trying to solve the value of something. The maths that is in accounting is basic level stuff, adding, subtracting, dividing and multiplying. You're given all the numbers. You just need to know what to do with them. They will NEVER ask you to calculate something difficult without enough information to do so, because the numbers are supposed to represent figures, and not just abstract numbers.

Now, if you want to bitch about something, try bitching about the layouts. Remembering the basic stuff, like the P+L and Balance Sheet, is simple enough, but when you have to start producing Consolidated Statements and calculation of Goodwill and the like, THEN it gets hard. If all you have to do is produce simple financial statements and remember a few KPIs so you can discuss them, consider yourself lucky. VERY lucky. Even my A-Level course in the subject covered more than that.

It isn't all numbers, either. Management accounting is about analysing business performance, suggesting strategies for improvement, etc. No qualified accountants are just number-crunchers anymore. Accounting encompasses a wide range of business skills now as well.

Man w/TheMachineGun said:
the only way to get good is to do it over and over and over
This is perhaps the only truth I've seen in here. If you want to get good at Accounting, you need constant practice and, even once you've learned it, you need to keep going back to it. I've been doing it for four years now, and I still forget to do things. There is a lot to remember. Remembering the layout is half of it, you also need to remember what numbers to use, and whether you need to account for anything else mentioned, like a provision for debts. Or if something included in the additional information is even relevant. It's more about the concepts than it is the numbers - yes, you do something this way, but WHY do you do it this way is more important.

I understand that it isn't a subject to everyone's taste, but if you're going to bitch about it, at least have the slightest idea of what you're talking about, please :ffs: