Action-style Battles or Command-style Battles?


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Jul 3, 2010
The title says it all. Do you like action-style battles (freely control character/ regular battles) or command-style battles (battles where you select actions thorugh list of commands)?
It's hard to say really because FF integrates them both. It depends on the game really. FF simply just wont work well with complete action-style gameplay. Even FFXII has to integrate them, and even still the action-style is more of an illusion than anything else lol.

As far as Dissidia goes: command style= Pokemon on steroids
Its about time we had some interesting Questions.

Recently I have been leaning towards Realtime battles as in Controlling the fighterlike Star Ocean, Rogue galaxy, but FFX has put menu command back in my view, but I do like the direct control over characters vs simply telling them what to do........seems kinda empty.
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Action style, of course. Command style will never let you do exactly what you want. It fails.
action based the only time im on command battle is when i get a new command battle boost (which now i never go on command based cauz i got all of them :) )