Advice Please.


Chocobo Breeder
Mar 23, 2007
Hello everyone.

I know it's been a bad choice now but heh well I kinda haven't upgraded my items or used any of my LP points since the staer of the game.
My chars are all lv 10 and I an currently at the start of the levi airship thing where you have to rescue Lady Ashe.

I was lv 8 when I started but I have been setting alarm off outside door getting guards to kill then healing at the save point so I jumped up 2 lvls fast.

I was wonderin.... Am I gonna be ok til the next shop to buy items?
Fran and Vaan can both cure and all my chars have 240-320HP and seem to be able to take on 2-4 guards at a time perfectly fine.

They deal around 50-150 dmg to the guards.

Think I will be able to finish the lvl so I can upgrade my items?

And reason I haven't used LP is cause I haven't fully decided whos gonna be what heh.

I want Penelo as a Healer type I know that aswell as Ashe as a Gun Mage type.

Any advice?
I'll be moving this to the help booth..

and level ten? :| oh dear, you have a hard miniboss and a boss soon, and level ten is just...meep. I'd advise you to level up to at least level 14.
I suggest you spend your license points pronto otherwise you wont get off that ship. You should always upgrade your weapons/armour otherwise you might get to point in the game where you find your stuck.
Meh Lv 10 isn't too bad. The next mini-boss are 4 judges which are fairly hard. You'll just have to concentrate on one at a time. After this there's a moogle shop.
I quit for months because I was underlevelled, underequipped and had no idea what I was doing on the gambits or who should be learning what on the licence board so I think mebee you should get onto it and boost some stats or something. I sucked >.<
Meh Lv 10 isn't too bad. The next mini-boss are 4 judges which are fairly hard. You'll just have to concentrate on one at a time. After this there's a moogle shop.
I was stuck on this and had to shamefully do this:

When you run off the ship, one of the guards will drop a "warp ___" Can't remember what the second word is. Haha. Helpful. >_< (I THINK it was a mote) Find the guards in the boss challenging, just throw that at the middle guard the moment the battle starts. All will be warped away, and you can tackle the main boss without being too weak and vulnerable. :P
Ah yes the Warp mote. Unfortunately it doesn't give exp or loot drops but it's far too overpowered.
Meh Lv 10 isn't too bad. The next mini-boss are 4 judges which are fairly hard. You'll just have to concentrate on one at a time. After this there's a moogle shop.

Hmm? It was two Judges (note to the original poster: Not Judge Magisters like Gabranth etc, they're just stronger Imperial Soldiers) with two normal soldiers accompanying each of them for me.

Anyway, if you plan to fight them normally, I'd advise (as Aerith Gainsborough said) getting to around Level 14. The Judges aren't too difficult but the large number of them means you take damage pretty quickly. After that, you can save and buy new items. Shortly after, you have to fight Judge Magister Ghis; he's not too difficult, just take out his two guards and then pummel him until he dies.
My two cents:

1. Don't designate your characters to be certain classes. I know it sounds nice and has the oldschool feel to it, but if you don't give your characters a very broad range of abilities and weapons you'll have a very hard time.

2. You might wanna lvl up more. Ghis is lvl 14, he has 4120 HP. Lirael's strategy of using a warp mote on Ghis's lackeys is excellent. If you have a warp mote, save it for that fight. If not, kill more troops till you get one.

3. You don't have to kill him. At around 25% health left, the battle will end. So plan accordingly. Dark spell works decently against his lackeys if you don't have a warp mote. If you have the money to spend at the moogle shop, get a lance for someone, it's your strongest weapon at this point.
I have been killing the Guards by setting alarms off,
currently lv 11 on Fran Vaan and Bal
I still haven't found a warp mote yet tho and I been here for afew hours

Doing alot better thanks!
I went back to a old save(where ya gotta go around shouting ya Basch) and now lv 13 on Fran Vaan abd Bal.
Got def 10 not instead of 3 lol
also got new weps and spells aswell as Vaan having 2 Mist commands
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I have been killing the Guards by setting alarms off,
currently lv 11 on Fran Vaan and Bal
I still haven't found a warp mote yet tho and I been here for afew hours

Doing alot better thanks!
I went back to a old save(where ya gotta go around shouting ya Basch) and now lv 13 on Fran Vaan abd Bal.
Got def 10 not instead of 3 lol
also got new weps and spells aswell as Vaan having 2 Mist commands

Ah good, you ought to have a much easier time of it now. And you can keep lvling a little in the ship too. If you can, try to avoid using Mist Knack combos though, it's too easy to mess up on them and completely waste your MP (plus they're kind of a waste when they connect, anyway) and you'll need your MP for healing and such.

Hrmm, and you didn't find warp motes? Blah, maybe they don't drop them after all. Either way, since you're higher lvl you shouldn't need them. Oh, and what weapons are Balthier and Fran using? It'll be good to just keep Vaan as your tank so Balthier and Fran can stay out of harms way as much as possible (though bosses also like to chase down your weaker or long distance units...and for some reason, if a boss closes in, a unit won't back up).
I suggest being at Lvl 20 and above. Also have ALL of your characters learn cure. It helps overall. Even if you dont want themto learn other magic thats fine, so long as they know cure and other white magicks.

Anyway, you really should be spending you're LP's and training more. I had to start the game again becasue i was 20 levels under and i couldn't fight my way out no matter how much I ran