Aeon Genders

Aztec Triogal

Feb 8, 2007
Williamsport, PA
Alright, so we can all guess that Shiva is a girl and Ifirit is a boy... but I'm wondering what gender the other summons are? Do we know what Ixion is? Do we know what Bahamut is? Do we even know what Valefor is?

Remember, we might know that Bahamut's fayth is a man but does that honestly mean that Bahamut itself is male as well? Doesn't necessarily have to be. An aeon is the physical form of the fayth's dream but nothing says it has to be an exact physical representation of the fayth.

Animas a she :monster:

Other than that, I was about to be a smart arse and go with the genders of the fayth...Im pretty certain Yojimbo is a bloke aswel, magus sisters...well, if they arent female, then im the pope, couldnt say about the likes of bahamut, ixion and valefore though...
Valfore/Valefor, I've heard her being referred to as a she. Ixion, I would say... hm, it varies. I would say, female. Gut feeling. XD Ixion reminds me of a strong female type person. Haha, oh, I'm looking too much into this.
Bahamut... hmm... male I would say.
'Jimbo, male obviously.

Hmm. Good topic. :D
If you go and revisit the temples later in the game, you can see their true spirit, along with their genders.

Valefor is a girl, Ifrit is male, Ixion is male, Shiva is female (and was a nun to boot xD), Bahamut is that little boy you see during the game, Yojimbo is a dude, Magus sisters are all female dur, and Anima is female as well (Seymour's mommy, so yeah >_>)
If you go and revisit the temples later in the game, you can see their true spirit, along with their genders.

Again, the fayth and their physical realization do not have to be the same. If they did, they wouldn't be the aeons we all know. They'd just be regular looking people. Summons are the fayth's physical manifestation but they are not the fayth themselves. They can be of a different gender.

This entire discussion is more opinion-based than factual, since no facts can actually be provided.
I'm guessing Valefor is a he, taking the assumption that he is based on Valefor/Valefar, the duke of hell in demonology (read that somewhere once).

Anima I think is a little complex, and the key is in the name. Anima, if you take it as the Jungian term would imply a female unconscious within a male body. So a man with feminine aspects of the soul. As the fayth is
Seymour's mother
yet the physical appearance of the aeon is a big ugly beast that you would normally associate with a male monster, this highlights this conflict.

Magus Sisters are undeniably female.

Shiva = ditto.

Ifrit it is assumed is male.

Bahamut I have always thought of as male. And in FF1 he is king of the dragons. And I think that the ancient mythology he stems from presents him as male as well, if a gender is even provided.

Ixion... I'm not sure. There is a dude in Greek mythology called Ixion, but he is certainly not a horse :D. He was however the father of the Centaurs I believe. So that makes sense then. It is assumed that the identity of Ixion is male as well.

Yojimbo I'm assuming is male. I think because of the rather male sounding voices he makes I think "Hunnngh!" etc.

I think that may cover it.
Bahamut is the Dragon King and should therefore be a male. There was also something about Valefor being a female but I can't remember on what that was based. Beyond that, it seems clear to me that Ifrit, Ixion and Yojimbo are males while Shiva, Anima and the Sisters are female.
Again, the fayth and their physical realization do not have to be the same. If they did, they wouldn't be the aeons we all know. They'd just be regular looking people. Summons are the fayth's physical manifestation but they are not the fayth themselves. They can be of a different gender.

This entire discussion is more opinion-based than factual, since no facts can actually be provided.

I suppose, but if a fayth is a certain gender, how is it wrong to affiliate the aeon they become with their gender? It's been a while since I played FFX, but from what I understand, there aren't any pre-determined aeons that fayths can choose to be; it's who they end up becoming, so if a little girl became Valefor, although the physical manifestation is far from being a little girl, Valefor is still a little girl in spirit, right?
Anima I think is a little complex, and the key is in the name. Anima, if you take it as the Jungian term would imply a female unconscious within a male body. So a man with feminine aspects of the soul. As the fayth is
Seymour's mother
yet the physical appearance of the aeon is a big ugly beast that you would normally associate with a male monster, this highlights this conflict.

True, though Anima can also mean "the inner self of an individual, the soul" which I think works more with
Seymour's mother
and the look and strength of Anima.

I've seen Valefor called "she" a few times, though I would say he's male. Ifrit, male.

Shiva - Male. :wacky: .....female.
Yojimbo - Male.
Ixion - tricky one, I want to say male.
The Magus Sisters - Females.
Bahamut - Male.
Anima - Femme fatale.
I suppose, but if a fayth is a certain gender, how is it wrong to affiliate the aeon they become with their gender? It's been a while since I played FFX, but from what I understand, there aren't any pre-determined aeons that fayths can choose to be; it's who they end up becoming, so if a little girl became Valefor, although the physical manifestation is far from being a little girl, Valefor is still a little girl in spirit, right?

That's horribly off-topic but its kind of an interesting question. First off, I really don't think the fayth and their aeon counterparts are really connected by much of anything. It's technically the same person but the fayth are not fighters, while that's all aeons are used for. So no, I don't really see Shiva being very femenine even if she and her counterpart are both females.

There's nothing wrong with your opinion. Just don't try to dominate the thread. Ok?
this is the way i always see it
Valefor - Female
Ifrit - male
shiva - Duh
Ixion - female
Bahamut - Male
Anima - female
Yojimbo - Male
The magus SISTERS - well the name says it all really
That's horribly off-topic but its kind of an interesting question. First off, I really don't think the fayth and their aeon counterparts are really connected by much of anything. It's technically the same person but the fayth are not fighters, while that's all aeons are used for. So no, I don't really see Shiva being very femenine even if she and her counterpart are both females.

There's nothing wrong with your opinion. Just don't try to dominate the thread. Ok?

Azzie, I really don't think she's trying to dominate the thread...and this whole thread has me somewhat confused. If there are facts to show that a female who becomes a fayth gives the summoner the power of her aeon (which in normalcy, you'd think the aeon would be a female, same as it's fayth counterpart) then you can't really say "OH ANIMA IS A MAN CUZ THAT'S MY OPINION!" That just makes you look rather silly...Truthfully, Shiva's fayth was once a nun, she became a fayth and gives you the aeon Shiva who is a all kinda coincides with each other. @_@ Good grief this stuff is confusing when you're lacking sleep. I hope that made sense.

Also, how can you not see Shiva being feminine? xD She's got a body shaped like a woman's, a woman's face, breasts, long hair, the works...
These are just me and my thoughts

Valefor: female (she kinda has breasts if you look at her)

Ifrit: Male

Ixion: female (I don't know why I just get this feeling

Shiva: female (dur)

Bahamut: male

Yojimbo: male (there are NO female samurai [at least I think he's a samurai])

Anima: male (I know he's
Seymour's mother
, but it's a freakin scary-ass monster)

Magus Sisters: female (the name says it all)
Valefor - hermaphrodite
Ifrit – post-op male
shiva – male cross-dresser
Ixion - unknown
Bahamut – asexual (Bahamut is too awesome to require two genders to reproduce
Anima – female I guess
Yojimbo - Male
The magus sisters – It’s actually the Magus Siblings (the tall one’s a guy).
This is how i think of the genders

valefor - male
ifrit - male
ixion - male
shiva - female
bahamut - male
anima - female
magus sisters - female
yojimbo - male

I have a tendancy when i dont know for sure which gender a creature is to just assume that its male. Honestly dunno why i do this, just habit i guess.
This is what I think about the Aeons genders..

Ifrit - Male
Bahamut - Male
Shiva - Female
Magus Sisters - Female
Anima - Female
Yojimbo - Male

Ixion - This one stumped me a little bit, I always thought of him as male, but I wasn't sure about it. I checked a video of him being summoned on YouTube but I couldn't see a cawk :wacky:, I still think he is a male though.

Valefor - This one is causing me the most confusion. But Valefor appears to have more feminine qualities than masculine ones so I think she's female.
I think Valefor is female because she seems to have more feminine qualities. Also if you look at her chest, she sort of has would look like could potential breasts. Someone pointed that out to me awhile back, but I just don't remember who. >.< Anyway this is the way I see the genders:

Valefor- Female
Ifrit- Male
Ixion- Male
Shiva- Female
Bahamut- Male
YoJimbo- Male
Anima- Female
The Magus Sisters- Female
The way I see the aeons (and always have) is as follows:
Valefor: Female
Ifrit: Male
Ixion: Male
Shiva: Female
Bahamut: Male
Yojimbo: Male
Anima: Female
Magus Sisters: Female.

I think that Anima and Magus Sisters are kinda obvious, I mean, as stated earlier Anima is
Seymour's MOTHER
and Magus Sisters are well.. Cindy, Sandy and Mindy:monster:
Shiva,The Maganus Sisters, and Anima they are the only female aeons, the rest of them are males
I'mma Magus sister, not a Magnus sister. :awesome:

Valefor - Female
I believe this not just because the fayth is female, but it has a very feminine look to it. As it's been said, there's breastie look bits and certainly no hint of the male genitals one would find on a dude aeon. Also, it has a very female looking face.

Ifrit - Male
Kinda obvious. >.>

Shiva - Female
Try and tell me different. I mean come on. She's Ifrit's ice queen :monster:

Ixion - Male
I'm pretty sure the fayth is too. But there's something stallion like about Ixion that just screams masculine to me.

Yojimbo - Male

Bahamut - Male
Though I thought the kid was female at first <_< >_>

Anima - Female
You can see the tag around its neck has a wimminz on it :gasp: ... >.> So that's enough for me besides the
Seymour's Mother

Magus Sister - All female