Aeris or Tifa?

Aeris or Tifa?

  • Tifa

    Votes: 78 59.5%
  • Aeris

    Votes: 53 40.5%

  • Total voters
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I feel that Aerith does...Ok here we go get ready for the rabid Clerith girl inside me...

Ok Aerith should be with Cloud more...why you ask? Because first off Tifa is considered to be just a friend toward Cloud, although Cloud had feelings for Tifa when a child his feeling soon changed as he got older. Although this isn't really a reason Aerith was also ment to be the only main female character in the game Tifa was never included in the start of the project. Now back to facts, Although Cloud had a very short time with Aerith she began to feel feelings toward him as Cloud had also. Aerith also is also ment to be with Cloud as in the commerical it showed above their heads "Love" and in the tag line "A love that could never be, a Hatered that always was", That love could never be because of the fact that Sephiroth killed her. Also even though Aerith is dead Cloud still loves her and will continue loving her. Tifa is only a friend, and will always be a friend to Cloud even though she's been really mean to him in the past (Thats why I can't consider them to be Childhood friends because they were never friends Cloud was an outcast and was never aloud to hang with Tifa meaning they were aquantinces(Sp?)), seeing as this is not really a debate forum board I wont go past that because that would be rude seeing as this is not north crater or another FF board for debate on the love triangel... ;)
LOL I am a proud Clerith Nazi!!!! and Koru both...LOL I forgot to also mention that Cloud is always away and Calling pretty much told us he loved her depending on how you though about it
I'm a Cleris but there are times I don't care really cause i'm not that much of a rabid girl but I conceder Cloud and Tifa Close Friends then lover rly but let's not debate cause I end up starting fights ^^'
Tife is sexy and beautiful, I prefer her.
being with cloud? lol, Aeris is dead so, Tifa is his girlfriend now.
I think that Aeris is more poetic and sensitive but, Tifa looks better and stronger ( I love the girl who can kick my ass lol).
I like Tifa better, she knew Cloud better and she helped him through his coma stage and stuff
Ok first off yes Koru this may turn into a debate and they better get ready to read an essay...

First off Tifa is NOT, and I will repeat NOT his girlfriend, they just raise orpahan(s), and just because your loved one is dead does that mean you stop loving them? Also as far as stronger, sure she was stronger in turns of fists, but Aerith's strength went to how she casted magic, also Tifa uses her HANDS people and Aerith uses a STAFF a metal one at that which do you think is going to hurt more? A punch or a metal staff hitting you in the head? Staff people...

Also, hunny there isn't any chemistry there, if there was don't you think Cloud would be with her by now? And also Simeon, if you acturally listened about Cloud's past you'd now she knows nothing about him, all she did was know that he was a boy that fought alot with others and was an outcast, I don't call that a Childhood friend when you don't acturally hang out with them its more like an aquantence(SP?) Also Have you read MoTp? Cause you'd know very well why Aerith wasn't able to help him, and besides hun do you really think Aerith being the strong will women that she is would just sit back and never take care of Cloud if she had the oppertunity?

Also CloudStrifeac06, have you read MoTp? because it specifys that Aerith and Zack aren't together and tell that Aerith loves Cloud....Thats all for my rant at the moment till I need to go into defend Aerith mod again... :lol:
I voted Tifa. Aeris did nothing for me. Tifa is strong, sexy, plays a huge role and was a huge help to me. Plus, she wasn't stupid enough to let someone fall from above her and stab her through the torso...
Tenshi Aerith said:
LOL I am a proud Clerith Nazi!!!! and Koru both...LOL I forgot to also mention that Cloud is always away and Calling pretty much told us he loved her depending on how you though about it

Did you say you are a proud NAZI!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!?????????? that insults me.
I voted Tifa. Aeris did nothing for me. Tifa is strong, sexy, plays a huge role and was a huge help to me. Plus, she wasn't stupid enough to let someone fall from above her and stab her through the torso...

Umm hello did you forget that Aerith had to die or else the world would have ended-_- she wasn't stupid cause if she was stupid the world would have been destroyed so don't insult me EVER! :mad: ......:lol:

i still say that cloud girlfriend is Tifa

PSSH Tifa isn't Cloud's girlfriend or else in AC you would see them hugging, kissing and all that lovey stuff in AC and you don't, you forget Cloud left Tifa and hadn't seen or heard from her in two years -_-
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Aerith said:
Umm hello did you forget that Aerith had to die or else the world would have ended-_- she wasn't stupid cause if she was stupid the world would have been destroyed so don't insult me EVER! :mad: ......:lol:
She didn't have to die, she just did in the process. Her goal was to activate "Holy" in order to protect the planet from meteor - she did not have to die. Sephiroth killed her because he knew she was the only one who could stop him.
Don't start rabbling without the full facts, EVER! :mad: ...... :lol: lol

Aerith said:
PSSH Tifa isn't Cloud's girlfriend or else in AC you would see them hugging, kissing and all that lovey stuff in AC and you don't, you forget Cloud left Tifa and hadn't seen or heard from her in two years -_-

The how do you explain "Strife Delivery Service"? Tifa and Cloud set up a partnership delivery business and she also had his number. How else would he know about Denzel and know about the rest of the kids? Because he and Tifa DO see each other between the defeat of Sephiroth and the events of AC.
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