Aeris = TOO Powerful?


The Last Dragon
Nov 26, 2006
Suburban hell.
Well as im sure your Aware Aeris
Dies at the end of disk one
And i think that one of the reasons for this - apart from it being a brilliantly sad plot twist which would cemente FF7 to the greatest games of all time list permanently - is because she was TOO powerful to be kept alive after Disk 1.

Think about it.

Her magic is by far superior to anyone elses - making her THE mage - Granted this might not seem to make her "too powerful" but then...we take the limit breaks into consideration.

Level one

Healing wind - Restores a small amount of HP to the party
Nothing too powerful here - typical white mage limit break.

Seal evil - silences and sometimes paralyses enemies
Nothing too powerful here - pretty useful for a white mage

Level two

Breath of the earth - Fully cures status ailments
Again yet another typical white mage style limit break

Fury brand - While sacrificing her own limit Aeris grants the two other party members a full limit gauge and the Fury status
This limit break is where we start to see Aeris' power. this is an extremely useful limit but still nothing too "wow" about it.

Level 3

This is when Aeris' power really starts showing

Planet protector - temporarily makes characters invincible
Woah wait a minute! we've gone from curing all status problems to invincibility? Now THATS power.

Pulse of Life - Fully restores everyones HP and increases Status ailments.
this is a MAJOR upgrade of Aeris healing wind limit - imagine being on the brink of death only for her to come out with this limit? thats Power!

Level 4

This is the big one - possibly the most powerfully defensive limit break in all of FF history:

Great Gospel - fully restores HP & MP, clears status ailments, and makes the party invincible for a short time

Now as you can see if we had acess to Aeris limit breaks throughout the entire game boss battles would have been a hell of a lot easier.

That is why - among other reasons - i think she
at the end of disk one.

As most people only have the characters first two limit breaks by then most people will never hadd had the opportunity to take advantage of her power. simply because if they had been able to - Super Nova would have been like a feather hit.

i never really used aireth =/ I was never really a mage person... i always just liked goin out there with brutal force! :) much funner
You know what they say. Always have a good defense for your offense :D

And COME ONE she can make you INVUNERABLE! How much more powerful do you want her to be? Sure it doesnt take off any damage but it stops you from Losing any health.

Aeris Limit breaks = Legend,
I think it was already in the story for her to die.
They just gave her superior stats since not many people cared to level her up and pursue her ultimate weapon before the end of disc one. ^_^
Oh dont get me wrong.

I know she had to die for the storyline.

But still i think they chose to place that particular plot twist so soon because - as you said - Aeris does indeed have superior Stats :lol:
I actually didn't end up getting any of her special limits or weapons until the second or third time I played. lol. I'm assuming any other normal player wouldn't have leveled her up seeing as that no one knew she was gonna die the first time they played. ^_^
i still dont bother getting any of her ultimate weapons or limit breaks now because for the effort you put in, you really dont get much use out of them before she dies. but yeah i think its true in what you say Aeris Gainsborough, i got her first level 3 limit break and the two bosses that i used her in took like 2 minutes to kill. it was ridiculusly easy compared to past plays.
I have never used her, and now I probably never will, takes the difficulty away
How did you know she was going to die? o_O

Lol. But to be honest, I knew every single thing about FFX before it came out. ^_^
She would be useless if she had lesser spells. Her abilites were evened out between the time of gaining her and the time of her...departure in the game.
That's true. She leveled up just like the rest of the characters did.
It's not like she gained triple exp or anything. o_O
I just started a new file and honestly I only used her when I had to. I have gotten her limit level all the way up in previous games though...and her limits were pretty awsome.
At least when you have her in your party with her limits, you can whiz through all the bosses on disc 1. ^_^
Aeris obviously has "superior stats" for a significant reason. She's an Ancient. Although that alone could quite possibly be enough for the argument, the fact that she dies off early is another reason for her power. Like mentioned before, not many people are going to train Aeris up because they either probably already know she's going to be killed off anyway, or that she's too much of a whiny fag to bother with in the first place. I think this "power" she has was implemented later, as a sort of...bonus reward for the nerd who actually bothered to max her out.

Besides, there's no way you could have her powered up long enough before she died to obtain a full orgasm from it anyway, so I don't see what the whole fuss was about.
Great topic! I have to agree with you. I never really gave it any real consideration but you are right. Aeris had some extremely powerful limit breakers. I never really got to use any of them when I played through the game... but it would have been incredibly useful for her to have used them later on in the game. I wish they would have underscored that point more. It would have made me miss her even more.
IMO, Aeris was one of the best characters in FF7. I honestly never put that theory of yours to thought, Aeris G. But it seems like a very fit theory. Aeris was one of my main characters (Cloud, Aeris, Red XIII/Cid) up until that tragic moment. I'm actually a level up freak, so I was able to take full advanges of all of Aeris' limit breaks as early as Kalm, so I fully appreciate the convinience of her limit breaks. That said I'll back up your theory simply by saying this, if you keep Aeris at level 2 limit, & in the fury state, imagine how simple it would be to constantly fill up your limit breaks & bombard the enemies with attacks like Omnislash, Highwind, etc. for the whole game, even the almighty WEAPONS would drop before you like mear flies.