

The Last Dragon
Nov 26, 2006
Suburban hell.
Ok so Tifa has her own appreciation board so why doesnt Aeris? Aeris is My favourite Character (Obviously :D) so lets use this board to talk about why we like aeris. (Please no flamers)
i think its meant to be Aerith but it got mis-translated as Aeris, so i always call her aeris...force of habit i guess..
Aerith is what she is known as in the Japanese game, and also what she is known as officially in many other FF7-related games. I think it was only in the European release of FF7 that she became known as Aeris--I don't know why. But since then most games/films/whatever have referred to her as Aerith. Even in Kingdom Hearts she was known as Aerith.

Aerith wasn't my favourite character, but I did like her. She just seemed really carefree. Her attack wasn't the best, but she was a great healer. I was quite sad when they killed her off.
Aer-chan's one of my most favorite FF characters.<3

Yuffie was cool too, but too much in that sugar-packed way, I guess. Almost like she needs to be on Ritalin. Aerith had a more natural sort of cheeriness about her, although it caused her to bungle in some instances (Barrett at the Golden Saucer comes to mind).
Aerith is the real spelling of her name. However the correct pronunciation is "Air-is" I think that people have just adopted the spelling Aeris because of the fact that her name is pronounced that way.

Anyway, I think Aerith is an awesome character. I adore every last bit of her. It always seemed like nothing could ever keep her down. It broke my heart that Cloud had her taken away from him but I guess that's just how it goes sometimes. I still liked the fact that she still continues to aid all the characters and guide them in a way ^_^ She's a beautiful character. I love her innocence as well. Just a little innocent flower girl is all ^_^
Yeah, it was "Aeris" in the US version as well. Even though it's been corrected in games like Kingdom Hearts, it's still too ingrained in my head for me to change how I spell it.

I do like Aeris a lot, and I used her as much as I could while she was on my team. I thought it was cool that such a seemingly sweet and innocent person could go into battle and bring magical doom to all of these big, fearsome monsters. She brought refreshing honesty and cheerfulness to a team that was, up to that point, pretty dour (maybe not Tifa so much). She showed she had a sense of humor, too, as shown in Cloud's cross-dressing event. I really liked her interactions with the rest of the team, especially Cloud.

Did anyone else like the sound effect her rod made when she attacked enemies?