

Dec 12, 2008
I wasn't sure whether this should go in Religious Debate but what do you believe will happen to you after you die? Do you believe in an afterlife? A heaven? A paradise, etc? Do you believe in reincarnation or that there is nothing after death?

I personally believe we will be reincarnated based on our actions in life. I think if we live lives well, we'll be reincarnated as a higher or happier form of life. It's kind of close to the Hindu/Buddhist belief I suppose.
I suppose I believe in an afterlife, a heaven-like place. However, I'm not sure what would be there, or if we'd all go to the same one.

I think you put it in the right place (for what it counts) because a religion and this don't have to go hand. For example, I don't believe in God (as in Christian belief) but I still believe heaven.
I don't believe in heaven, reincarnation or an afterlife for that matter.
I think that this life is all we have, just the result of a big explosion in the universe and evolution. Once you kick the bucket, thats it. At least I hope so, since life itself seems a rather tedious task and I certainly wouldn't want to go through it again, even if I'd be rich and handsome that time.

I think that this whole afterlife and heaven schtick is just a way for humans to forget/ignore the futility and otioseness of life.
I don't believe in any form of afterlife or reincarnation either. I believe that my consciousness will die with my body. In my opinion, the idea of an afterlife devalues the significance of this life.
I believe my body will rot. However I also believe in reincarnation to an extent, not based upon how I've acted in my life or anything though. I can't comprehend not existing, so I believe in reincarnation. That makes it sound like I've made a rational decision to do so, but I believed in reincarnation and then tried to find out why I do so. That's the explanation that makes the most sense to me.
I can understand the belief that you won't continue after death. To be honest, I think it's a great ideology because it allows you to make the most of what you've got before it goes. But I suppose I like to think that there's some kind of continuity after death, rather than your consciousness going with you. Perhaps it's more for comfort than anything else.
I hope that when I die, I can live in some sort of afterlife in a place like another world that's fantasy like. Maybe we all get reborn in another universe or somethign that's completely different from earth! That would be fun. I just don't wanty my time here of earth to be wasted because tht would piss me off. I hope there's some sort of god and something waiting at the end, or else...ah it's too depressing to think about...
I believe in reincarnation to the extent that your soul will transfer to another human body after a period of rest. Whether that body is in the same reality or not, you'll never really know. Time moves on an inevitably repeats itself in some way, which is where I get this idea that maybe your soul does the same and returns to a body similar to the one it left before just in a later time period or different reality.
I have no idea what will become of me when I die. I choose not to beleive in any form of reincarnation and whatnot because my brain may not know what happens, by my soul will. And thats what counts. It could be any number of things that happen when i pass, but none shall be shocking. Since I look forward to knowing without guessing.
I believe my body will rot. However I also believe in reincarnation to an extent, not based upon how I've acted in my life or anything though. I can't comprehend not existing, so I believe in reincarnation. That makes it sound like I've made a rational decision to do so, but I believed in reincarnation and then tried to find out why I do so. That's the explanation that makes the most sense to me.

That sums up exactly how I feel about it. I'm not religious or anything, so there's no ideals of heaven and hell or anything like that, I just can't imagine not existing either.. eh fuck knows, it's not something I ever really pay much thought too. It's about the only thing in life no one knows for certain til we actually die, despite people thinking they will go to heaven or come back as an ant or some shit

I personally believe we will be reincarnated based on our actions in life. I think if we live lives well, we'll be reincarnated as a higher or happier form of life. It's kind of close to the Hindu/Buddhist belief I suppose.

This is what i HOPE happens. but sadly all i think happens is we die and thats it, not a never ending dream world, or anything just your mind shuts off and your done. its hard to explain what happens, cause nothing happens you are just finished.
The problem with nothingness is that we as humans can't conceptualise it. Even the concept of nothing is something, a concept. To believe you become nothing is to believe in a process and an eventuality, which is a something.

That's one of the many reasons why I believe there is something beyond this life, even if it is reincarnation, heaven or perhaps neither.
I believe that if I accept Jesus Christ as my savior and ask forgiveness of my Sins I will be accepted into heaven. After all that is what Jesus died for, and the Bible makes a lot of sense and is pretty much one of the logical religions.
Death is and will always be a mystery. But there are still reasons why I don't believe in life beyond death.

Although we are nowhere near uncovering the logic and full function of our brain, science has still made some important discoveries about the brain. It has identified some parts which are believed to be involved in things like memory, abstract thought, consciousness, verbal comprehension etc.. Essentially this suggests that the traditional thought of the separation of the brain (the physical) and the mind (the spiritual) doesn't exist.

From this it could be further hypothesized that the soul (or at least what we believe the soul to be) doesn't exist. In other words, the concept of existing lies within our body. Therefore, when our body shuts down, so does our existence.

Again, I know death will always be a mystery. But this is one of the reasons why I don't believe in any sort of consciousness after death. But I don't really see it as a bad thing. If we have no consciousness to experience nothingness, then we can't feel bad about it can we?

...and at the same time, believing that there is no life after death takes a load of stress off this life. Who cares if I don't get a high paid job or whatever. At the end of the day it won't matter anyway, so I may as well enjoy life while I can.
While I don't believe in the end of existence after death, I can understand and respect those that do believe it. I know a few people who believe that when life ends, so does existence and a sense of awareness, and I do think as I said before that this can make someone live their life to the full, without worrying about what comes after.
Well, first you have to decide how you define life. The body shutting down or are you talking, in spiritual terms, the shell of the soul dying. Personally, I don't believe in an afterlife, simply because I don't believe that consciousness ever dies. I believe it just simply leaves the body and goes off on its own. Not exactly to a place that I would say is the "afterlife." I think it just goes off. To where, I'm not exactly sure. I don't buy into the whole Heaven and Hell, good and evil shit. To me, it just sounds like a fairy tale. I have a feeling that if there is an afterlife, it's not going to be as interesting as that. I think it's going to be just as boring as the life that we're in now.
I believe in the afterlife,as imaging as a peaceful place with white clouds and a fields of flowers,trees and dove's. All is harmony,peace and love.No pain,nor hurting..:wtf:
All of us leaving well and we "maybe" meet our past members of family or old friends~
in our regions ( the arabic ) there a many many storys of the afterlife ..there a afterlife sure 100% ..all the arabic beleive in this ...but i must to say something ...the all the froums ...will be dai forever ,, u know why ... ?
becuse ... do one something and you will be in the heaven ...its the pray ...i think you dont know the real pray ,,,there a five prays in the day ...fgr pray ...ther pray ...asr pray ..mgrb pray ..asha pray ...u must do this five prays all new day ...if u dont ,,,u will be dead forever in real hot fire after u dai in this life ...beleive me please ...u will be dai in real hot fire ..isnt scary ??
1 Many "humans" have done horrific actions so there better be a hell !! and therefor the should be a Heaven.
2 I also believe in BigBang etc. however many tiny insignificant yet so important moments made it possible for us humans to exist...there are too many of them and just to say those are coincidences is being in denial and not openminded.
3 Brain is indeed very strange..we use less then 10 procent...imagine we could use more? what if dreams, deja vu's etc. are real????? a perception of our brain of other worlds/ dimensions? Iknow our brain can trick us but what if???? (I had many deja vu's but 1 was so severe it freaked me out, like it was happening simultaniously at a place somewhere else too instead of it happening before...hard to explain)
4 Energy___I do think our Souls will remain in the universe , we are all made out of the same energy/elements... energy and matter never vanishes it always recycles.except blackhole.wether we still maintain our subconsious after life im not sure...doubt it though.
Thats correct Ohri-Jin energy does not dissipate it just changes forms.

In a universe where the very cycle of creation is governed down to the very lowest levels of space/time, In a nova blast from a star near the end of its life to the simple formation of single cell organisms every thing is based on a cycle of repeated use and re-use.

Life in us may or may not be a Universal phenomenon, in which life is created and destroyed in many parts of the cosmos, Life is extinguished and reborn in some form based on the fact that most other things in the universe grow out of death/rebirth cycles.

The Energy that makes us have concious thought is sustained through the extraction of nutrients from the food we digest, even this is a cycle of use and re-use, its takes old age and sudden and sometimes extreme force to break life, it is ended through disease,war, human nature, natural selection and is only given one path of rebirth.......human life anyway.

To understand the concept of any kind of after life you first need to understand what the Human Spirit is? Is it energy or just a manifestation of thought unique to humans?
Are thought and awareness apart of the fabric of space/time?

In many ways Death is the the only thing humans may never truly understand.

I thin the human spirit exist in some for before we are born and after we die, a consciousness that dwells in a higher plain, is drawn into a body when new life is conceived, dissipates when we die and continues in some form of cycle.

Life is not so pointless that is just ends when thought leaves the mind.........