

Apr 29, 2010
What is your opinion on it?

Personally, I'm quite fond of Beer, I'm only 15 but my parents allow me to have one now and again. Its weird since only a few months ago, it tasted horrible to me, but after acquiring the taste of shandy, Beer started to taste nicer.

So do you like/dislike Beer/Alcohol? What's your favourite?
I'm a pretty heavy drinker, so it's safe to say that yes, I like it. I've been allowed to drink ever since I was about 14/15 by my parents, but that was always very rarely and in a very small amount.
I never liked drinking to get drunk until a few months after I turned 18, when I started doing it quite regularly. Then about 18 months ago, I got sick of it until I turned 21 and ever since then I've drank probably too much. But it's all good times, I'm young and you only live once and all that.

What I drink tends to depend where I am. Before I go out, I drink at home and it's usually either Carlsberg or Budweiser. When I go out it's whatever takes my fancy. Mostly Koppaberg, though. The only things I don't drink are apple cider and straight vodka.
I drink, but I don't like to overdo it. Getting drunk and making a fool of myself doesn't really appeal to me. Therefore I tend to drink only a bit, and not very frequently.

When I'm at a pub I tend to order Guinness. I started drinking it last year and it very rapidly became my favourite beer. I used to only drink Carling (as a sort of standard drink that most people get), but since tasting Guinness I've been unable to go back to Carling at all. When I have gone back to Carling it has always been an unpleasant shock to my mouth, and I immediately want to get back to Guinness. It's quite odd, as most people I know are the opposite and can't handle the taste of Guinness.

As for at home... I drink even less at home, and I rarely have alcohol in the house. Occasionally I'll be lucky enough to have a large bottle of mead, which is probably my favourite.

As for my opinons on it... Well people should make their own choices and shouldn't feel forced to drink more than they are happy with just to blend in with the binge culture. That said, if people enjoy that then that is also fine, and people shouldn't force them not to either unless they are seriously effecting other people. People have different limits. I personally don't know mine, but I don't want to test it either. A few drinks here and there (3-5 pints) is enough for me to get the happy effect that alcohol grants you without me waking up on foreign soil, or in a canal.
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My personalfavourite is Vodka what my friends call the women drink
i enjoy getting a bit tipsy makes those dull nights fun
though i cant wait till next year when i can do down to the pub yee
Hmmm im not a fan of alcohol and I dont ever realy drink unless im at a party or out with friends wich in my world is pretty rare considering my work load....mabey like five times a year if that I might drink.
My family gene is naturally inclined towards drug/alcohol abuse and ive seen more than my fair share of what it can do to people so I try not to be as exposed as others might be towards alcohol/drugs.
I was introduced to these things early in life so ive seen how disgusting they can be...and what harm they can minimal exposure is my best friend at this point lol.
Mostly if I drink its either Long Island Ice Tea's or Jellow shots.
I like alcohol, but I only really drink it socially. I hardly ever crack open a can whilst I'm having my dinner or anything like that. I usually drink with other people. It'll either be a few, just so I relax and become a bit more chatty or I'll drink heavily on a night out. On a student budget, I basically buy for percentage rather than quality... which usually means anything goes. Why spend nearly £3 on Kopparberg cider (which is one of my favourites) when you can get it done by buying 4 cans for £3.50? I never drink real ales though.
Budweiser is my choice of beer. But usually if I go out with friends, we get a pitcher of Bud light or Michelob Ultra. I used to be heavy into Whiskey, usually Wild Turkey or some Canadian Club. I don't drink as much as I used to. I usually just try and get a little buzz going on. But when you're with friends, you tend to get smashed. Last time I got completely wasted was New years. Never again...never again.

Honestly, I'd rather get high or trip out on some shrooms.
I don't drink. I've not had the greatest experiences with it (family) and although I've drank before, I never really understood the excitement behind it. I don't like to inebriate my senses and be vulnerable around people, so I do everything in my power to refrain from being in such a state. I also don't think it tastes very good and makes me nauseated instead. Basically, there's really no reason for me to drink. Although I've had problems with it in the past, I try not to judge the alcohol itself, but the idiots who are irresponsible and abuse it.
I tend to have a glass of Jack Daniels and coke nearly every day after work. I love the taste.

Though this week I've not had any during the week because I had a big weekend of drinking.

I don't 'love' alcohol and I don't 'need' it though. I'm not an addictive person.

I never drink just to get drunk. There's no need for that in my opinion.

Having drinks with friends is fine, but getting drunk all the time is silly in my opinion because then you can't even remember the awesome night you had and just wake up feeling like crap.

On the odd occasion I will get drunk on my own but only if I'm having a bad day. <_<
Meh. It's alright. Naturally, living with a buncha guys as I was growing up (my dad was a drinker) I was pretty much surrounded with it. I'm not that big of a fan of alcohol but, i'll drink it occasionally. There's a few that I find just awesome x] but for the most part, I tend to stay away from it.

I never like Budweiser >.< yuck.

I tend to stick with:



And a few others.... :hmmm:

Margarita's and dacaries are good too.
Oh, yes, I like alcohol. :3 I was at the pub just last week. :)

I'm only a year off being able to drink legally, haha, but I get served at my local so why not! ;] I don't over-do it though. I only go out once a month. I'd much rather be sat here, infront of my laptop more often than I am sat infront of a vodka and coke at the pub, if I'm to be honest. I usually drink just vodka + coke or orange. I rarely drink anything like Guinness, Carling, Stella Artois... they're just not to my taste. I like alcopops such as WKD... and another one which name I have just totally forgotten. :wacky: But I don't like to drink too many as they can get rather sickly.
I cannot stand Wine. Such an awful taste.

But, my thoughts on it... I like to drink when socialising. Of course, I socialise nearly every day so that doesn't mean I drink every day but I think it helps loosen people up and break the ice. :) I only drink myself to oblivion on special occasions, usually just birthdays. :) Lucky for my liver my friends birthdays are really far apart. I don't really depend on alcohol, or need it. If all the alcohol in the world was to disappear I would be fine with that. :-)
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I dislike alchohol. Not only does it taste like piss, it's bad for you. I just don't see the point in drinking, at all. Because there IS no point. Just for fun? Give me a break. Alchohol is a type of drug, it can become an addiction. Cheers to my uncle who has never drunk in his life.
I drink mainly Dutch beer, occasionally German beer, Amstel , Heineken (gives me headaches sometimes). From time to time I drink whisky -Redlabel/cola - Blacklabel/cola or pure. Green label knocked me out one time, second time I could not drink it ,it was too heavy. I drink before going out/party etc. and drink till I have enough, luckily I know my boundaries very well.
I dislike alchohol. Not only does it taste like piss, it's bad for you. I just don't see the point in drinking, at all. Because there IS no point. Just for fun? Give me a break. Alchohol is a type of drug, it can become an addiction. Cheers to my uncle who has never drunk in his life.
That's horribly narrow minded of you, and it's also false. Excessive consumption of alcohol is bad for your health, but a pint of bitter or ale a week can be good for you. I think it is to do with cell regeneration and the aging process, but I'm not too sure about that.

It's also ridiculous for people to think that drinking = waking up in the morning in someone's garden in Bimingham, covered in sick and no memory of the last 12 hours. That's a very rare occurrence when people get drunk; a lot of people appear to be just fine other than maybe a bit of slurring in their words and stumbling about a bit.
Stop reading the Daily Mail and their demonisation of youth culture.
The Dоctor;725937 said:
That's horribly narrow minded of you, and it's also false. Excessive consumption of alcohol is bad for your health, but a pint of bitter or ale a week can be good for you. I think it is to do with cell regeneration and the aging process, but I'm not too sure about that.

It's also ridiculous for people to think that drinking = waking up in the morning in someone's garden in Bimingham, covered in sick and no memory of the last 12 hours. That's a very rare occurrence when people get drunk; a lot of people appear to be just fine other than maybe a bit of slurring in their words and stumbling about a bit.
Stop reading the Daily Mail and their demonisation of youth culture.

Okay, I get that. But I never said anything about a mega-hangover. I just think it's not wise to drink, it's a healthier choice to stay without it. I don't mind other people drinking - it's their life. I'm not going that way. Alchohol tastes horrible.
I've seen many things when I was young and I guess it just put me off alchohol big time.
The Dоctor;725942 said:
I used to say that when I was 15 too.
I know, that's what everybody says when I tell them I won't drink alchohol. I don't blame you.
I dislike alchohol. Not only does it taste like piss, it's bad for you. I just don't see the point in drinking, at all. Because there IS no point. Just for fun? Give me a break. Alchohol is a type of drug, it can become an addiction. Cheers to my uncle who has never drunk in his life.

You made a thread like this before and you got completely shot down.
Come back and give some insight once youv actually grown up and lived a little huh?

I love a drink. IM not abig drinker but at the weekends oh yes. I do so love to go out anget hammered :ryan:
I like pretty much anything bar cider and straight vodka. Morgans spiced and coke is a favourie as is a pint of tennents.
Not keen on shots but i take them, just cuz its alwyas fun to see someones face after they take one :lew:
You made a thread like this before and you got completely shot down.
Come back and give some insight once youv actually grown up and lived a little huh?

How is drinking alchohol considered mature?

My dad used to be an alchoholic, it traumatized me beyond repair. I can't look at alchohol as just one or two glasses of harmless drink anymore. It makes me sick.
I gave up drinking about 2 years ago for reasons I can no longer remember. I think I was 14 the first time I got drunk and I spent most of my high school years drinking for the sake of getting drunk. My friends and I used to dapple mostly with spirits because they got us drunk fast. When I was about 17 I actually started to enjoy the taste of some drinks like Jack Daniels and Coke, Coronas, Heineken and Budweiser. But then I quit drinking a few months after I turned 18.

I don't really have an issue with other people drinking. It does kinda piss me off when my mates get drunk ALL the time because I can't have a serious conversation with them. But really what other people do is up to them. However, I do have an issue when someone is damaging themself with excessive drinking.