Alpheas Giltstorm


Nov 25, 2009
Coahoma Texas

Name –Alpheus Giltstorm

Title –Destiny's edge(Personal Nickname), Lightning betrayer(Viera Nickname)

Alignment –Order, good

Race –Viera, Veena. A race of people noted for their natural grace and appearance. They have what appears to be rabbit or deer ears and sometimes a cottontail. Males are rarely seen as all but the outcasts live in spartan conditions apart from the females, who are more adventurous by nature. Veena denotes a light skin tone, whereas Rava have darker skin.(I know male Viera are rare, but in FFXII, it is revealed that Viera males are simply forced to live apart from females, thus are rarely seen.)

Gender –Male

Age –100 years

Appearance –Due to the Viera's almost magical aging process, he could pass for 30 easily. He is slim but powerful of build, with Alabaster skin, Shocking mythril-colored hair, Average Viera height(About Fran's six feet), and twotone blue eyes, light on the inside, dark toward the edge of the color ring. He has the typical foot problem and dental issues common to all Viera, but no tail. Other than his skin color, his most striking feature is his ears. Long,hare-like ears that can move independantly of one another to focus on multiple sounds at one. They match his hair up to one and a half feet up, where one ends abruptly in what can only be called a bitten off chunk. At this same point, the other starkly changes to black. Through the bitten off ear, he uses a saurian tooth as an earring.

Attire –In dress, Alpheus is a master of style. He wears silks purchased from traders in a vast network he has acquired over his century of life. His favorites are colors that bring out his natural appearance, so he wears mostly dark colors like reds and blues to contrast his flesh more sharply, and always has his personal sigil, a soft blue circle with a strike of yellow across it, on every piece of clothing in exactly the same spot, one inch from the hem closest to his waist on the right side. His jewlery is not extensive, but impressive. The saurian tooth in his ear has had the edge where it attached to the mouth in the creature inlaid with gold, while the tip is kept sharp by a spell placed long ago. He also wears an ankle bracelet of steel, overlaid with gold and precious gems.

Armour –His armor is simple but elegant, much like his clothing. He wears a thin vest of mythril to deflect light blows, and long, thin greaves modified to support him even in the heaviest defensive moments. As a viera, he is only recently taking to real helmets, but does comonly wear circlets to protect him from spells. He does not carry a shield as they offend his personal code of ethics. The final piece of common armor is a pair of vambraces that allow him to easily manipulate his weapons, but provides him a decent measure of protection from light weapon blows. The entirety is light blue like mythril or fine steel, but each also has has a quarter inch thick stripe of yellow running from top to bottom down the very front of each piece

Personality – He is wise and ready, analyzing a situation before throwing himself into the fray. Despite his expulsion from his people, he feels a strong sense of honor and always does the things that advance the greater good if he can. He also appears a bit pompous due to the span of his years in comparison to those around him. He is always immaculate when at home, and says that there is a place for everything, and everything should be in it's place. Finally, when bored, he sharpens, polishes, or in some other way prepares his weapons, just in case. In the rare case that he finds someone he considers worthy of his friendship, he is fiercely loyal, to the point of taking nigh-fatal damage for them. He cares not for size or those who feel he should respect theirs. He believes that a warrior of any size can defeat any challenge with sufficient training, but rarely fights. He does not fight on whims, and in fact only really fights when attacked. No level of insult is too much for his benevolence. He will not, however stand for the senseless slaying of innocents. Bandits, however, and others of dark ilk are fair game to him. The only time an innocent being slain does not cause his wrath is when one has no option, such as in self defense against a confused innocent.

First Impression –At first, many see him as pompous. overbearing, or insensitive. Others find him mistrusting and even downright rude.

Strength –His physical strength is nothing impressive. He deals damage about average of any hume, maybe even a little low due to his build. In a bar fight, he may take some time to defeat his opponents when he would apppear to have them beaten far earlier, another reason people think he is pompous. He is of about average strength for a non-battle Hume.

Speed –Opposed to his strength, Alpheus' speed is incredible. His sword speed is also a thing to behold, and he can rain punches that do little individual damage, but hold an enemy in place until he falls. His running speed is well recorded as over twenty miles per hour, top speed, no armor. With his full armor, his speed drops to 15 mph or so.

Endurance –Endurance is not exactly a major weakness either. He has been known to make runs of up to fifty miles at slightly lowered speed, covering the distance in about eight hours, before a break and trains for at least two hours a day with both sword and bow. In hard combat, his sword arm will last up to seven minutes, but he can empty his quiver without stopping. However, in a different sense, endurance can be seen as a weakness. He has been so rarely hit during his life that he has what is called a "Glass Chin" and deals poorly with the sight of blood, especially his own.

Reflexes –He is not exactly psychic level reflexes, but his reflexes are nearly catlike. They have served him well enough to survive as long as he has, and he feels that is good.

Fighting Style –He uses a fighting style called Black Chocobo Way. When engaged in combat, he prefers to use long ranged attacks to try and keep his opponent from getting close so he doesn't have to get his hands dirty. That having failed, he draws his swords to engage the opponent with a series of thrusting strikes

Weapons –1 sixty inch longbow, eighty-five pound pull, scribed with runes in the viera original language with 20 to 40 arrows. He also carries one forty-three inch swordbreaker(basically a triangular bar of steel with a point on the end and a sword hilt.) and one sixteen thrusting sword, paper thin, and nearly perfectly balanced.His training as a viera allows him to fire arrows at a rate of three per second.

Abilities – He uses a quickening/limit break called Diamond Driver in which he draws his bow, charges the energies of the esper called Shiva, and releases a freezing blast almost equal to her diamond dust attack. It deals heavy damage, far more than any other attack he uses at present, and leaves him mostly exhausted, with a guaranteed loss of all mana.

Magic – Alpheus' mana total: 50. Heal(Like Cure, 10% of total health) 10 mana, Healra(Like Cura, 30 % of total health) 20 mana, Remed(Like Esuna,Fixes Poison, stun, slow, berzerk, and stop) 15 mana, Shield(Like Wall, cancels up to 100 points of magical or physical damage.) 30 mana.

Other Skills –He is streetwise, good with numbers, and a grand organizer. He has contacts all over Ivalice. He is considered a natural diplomat,having gained control over his extensive spy/trader network, and himself breeds Chocobo

History – Amongst the males of the viera race, to leave home is to betray your race, your clan, and your life. When the last great crisis came, however, there were too few warriors amongst these clans. The prophesies of old have long since told of one of utter purity saving the viera race. Alpheus thought he was the one, and so despite the council's orders, left the village. He actually saved his clan, only to return to a group that didn't want him. Afterwards, he traveled the land, disgraced to his own people and to himself, until he collapsed near Dalmaska. Since that day, he has lived in the city of light, building his network, rarely fighting, and dreaming of redeeming himself to his people.
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Race –Viera,

Gender –Male


Armour –His armor is simple but elegant, much like his clothing. He wears a thin vest of mythril to deflect light blows, and long, thin greaves modified to support him even in the heaviest defensive moments. As a viera, he is only recently taking to real helmets, but does comonly wear circlets to protect him from spells. He does not carry a shield as they offend his personal code of ethics. The final peice of common armor is a pair of vambraces that allow him to easily manipulate his weapons, but provides him a decent measure of protection from light weapon blows.

Good descriptions of what types of armor he wears, but what does it look like? Color of the metal/leather/material in general, any patterns?

Personality – He is wise and ready, analyzing a situation before throwing himself into the fray. Despite his expulsion from his people, he feels a strong sense of honor and always does the things that advance the greater good if he can. He also appears a bit pompous due to the span of his years in comparison to those around him. He is always immaculate when at home, and says that there is a place for everything, and everything should be in it's place. Finally, when bored, he sharpens, polishes, or in some other way prepares his weapons, just in case

I say this a lot: If someone could sum up my personality in a handful of lines, I'd be disappointed. Here's a few questions to think about in terms of Alpheas's personality:

-How is your character around friends?
-How is you character if alone and bored?
-How is he if insulted by someone larger than himself?
-if someone accidentally trips and spills a mug of water on you char, but apologizes after, how does your char react?
-What look does your char have on the following:
|-Killing the innocent.
|-Killing evildoers (bandits and the like).
|-Killing in self defense regardless on the person.

He runs about average of any hume, maybe even a little low due to his build.

This would go in the Speed section.

Also, give us an idea of how much damage Alpheas can deal, or how physically strong he is. Could he punch through a wall? Could he lift a boulder? Or would he struggle to lift a sledgehammer?

His training as a viera allows him to fire arrows at a rate of three per second.

This would go better in the Weapons tab.

His running speed is well recorded as over twenty miles per hour.

Does his armor weigh him down? Or is this with armor?

He has been known to make runs of up to fifty miles before a break

At top speed?

Also, how long can he fight in continuous combat before becoming winded? (A well-trained warrior should last about 10 minutes.)

Weapons –1 longbow scribed with runes in the viera original language. He also carries two thrusting swords, very thin, moderate in length, and nearly perfectly balanced.

Give us some specifics here, in terms of length (in inches or cm), design, and where they are kept when not in use.

Also, with the bow, how many arrows does he keep with him at any given time?

Abilities –He is considered a natural diplomat,having gained control over his extensive spy/trader network, and himself breeds Chocobo

This would go under Other Skills.

This tab is for abilities such as special moves, limit breaks, and the like.

He can use curative spells up to the aras

If that's the case, each spell he can use needs to be listed and detailed in the bio in order to be approved.

You have a solid base here, and Alpheas looks to be an interesting character. We just need to make a few tweaks and changes here and there. For now, [NOT APPROVED].
Just a couple little quibbles:

Speed –Opposed to his strength, Alpheus' speed is incredible. His sword speed is also a thing to behold, and he can rain punches that do little individual damage, but hold an enemy in place until he falls. His running speed is well recorded as over twenty miles per hour, top speed, no armor.

How fast is his top speed *with* armor?

Weapons –1 sixty inch longbow,

How many arrows does he carry with him at any one time?

Abilities – He uses a quickening/limit break called Ultimablast in which he draws his bow, charges the energies of the esper called Shiva, and releases a freezing blast almost equal to her diamond dust attack.

How much of an energy drain does this have? How much damage does it do, relative to one of his normal attacks?

Magic – Alpheus' mana total: 50. Cure 10 mana, Cura 20 mana, Esuna 15 mana, Wall 30 mana.

How does his mana recharge? How do these spells work? How much do they heal/protect?

Also, we don't allow spells taken directly from FF games. They can act like those spells, but they need to have an original name.
Just one thing we need to clean up, and he'll be good to go.

Magic – Alpheus' mana total: 50. Heal(Like Cure) 10 mana, Healra(Like Cura) 20 mana, Remed(Like Esuna) 15 mana, Shield(Like Wall) 30 mana.

We need to determine how much healing/protection these spells can do. This can be percentage based (i.e. Heal restores 10% of total HP) or numerically based (i.e. Heal restores ~100 HP). Same thing for how Shield works. By how much does it augment a combatant's defense?

For Remed, which statuses does it heal?
That should do it.


Moved over to Approved section.