Dirge of Cerberus Am I missing anything by not playing this?

No you aren't. The game was made because the money hoarding executives of SE realised that they could make a substantial profit by making a game for all the billions of Vincent fans. The game itself is a FPS with bits of FF7. As for storyline I think genesis appears once or maybe twice. It's like if that JK rowling chick wrote a book about Neville Longbottom, it's not got a whole lot to do with the main story. If you are talking about gameplay, buy a PS3 and buy CoD4 and play online, because it's standard FPS fair.
No you aren't. The game was made because the money hoarding executives of SE realised that they could make a substantial profit by making a game for all the billions of Vincent fans. The game itself is a FPS with bits of FF7. As for storyline I think genesis appears once or maybe twice. It's like if that JK rowling chick wrote a book about Neville Longbottom, it's not got a whole lot to do with the main story. If you are talking about gameplay, buy a PS3 and buy CoD4 and play online, because it's standard FPS fair.
LOL, that Harry Potter reference was completely true and hilarious. I played Final Fantasy DOC a few times and it just isn't anything special. If you love Vincent so much and want to learn a FEW things about him, then go ahead and buy it. However, buy a used version and make sure it's cheap. This game just isn't that great. The controls aren't anything special, and neither is the story. Unless you can't live without knowing a few more things about Vincent, forget this game. If you want more of Final Fantasy, I would recommend Crisis Core rather than this game. It includes a better storyline and goes more with the actual story of FFVII.
Not really, I mean it does have some Vincent backstory that isn't in the other games, the plot itself would probably have been really good if it hadn't been so poorly presented.

But alas, Square-Enix thought flashy cutscenes and brooding characters would be enough. <_<

In my opinion, if you really want to hear Vincent's backstory, you'd probably be better off reading it on the FF wiki than actually buying the game.
contrary to the previous opinions, i actually enjoyed the game. yeah the controls leave something to be desired, and the story falls short in comparison to the original FFVII, but the cutscenes are spectacular. they really do well with the whole dark angel theme (something that i've always enjoyed). also, the storyline gives more insight on the mythos behind omega. and, the minigame stuff that you can do after the game is through are a lot of fun. they serve for some good action and fun problem solving.

i think if you are still on the fence about buying the game, you should think about how big of a FFVII fan you are.
I enjoyed the game alot. Honestly, the camera view and the controls didn't bother me so much. I think you would be missing something by not getting this game. Vincent, being the enigmatic character, does have a backstory to him. You know nothing of it in FFVII, unless you really payed attention and learned a few things here and there. However, you do learn about him in DoC...for example, who would have thought he had a Materia stuck inside his chest, that being the Protomateria. The cutscenes in this game gave a little bit more insight to how he felt about Dr. Lucrecia Crescent, and we see more of what he experienced through his eyes, not just his words. Moreover, the only thing that got on my nerves about this game is that you had to shoot memory capsules to attain the cutscenes in the game, which I thought was a wreaking pile of straight bull. However, I do think you would be missing a few things if you don't play this game. Another thing...when did anyone notice Genesis in the game? I didn't. Someone elaborate! lol. Anyway, for Cait Sith fans, you might enjoy scurrying around on a covert mission with this little furball, lol.
Another thing...when did anyone notice Genesis in the game? I didn't. Someone elaborate! lol.

It's the secret ending you get if collect all the G-report files hidden throughout the game. The files themselves talk about Genesis (I don't think they ever call him that though, just "G"), but they don't really say much that isn't explained in Crisis Core.
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I dont think you're missing much story wise, and it's too fiddly for a FPS imo, it did my head in with all the gun customising, if Im playing a FPS, Ijust wanna point and fire, no have to worry about all that and casting magic aswel >.>

I can't actually recall much of the story tbh.... bah, it's an ok game if you wanna pass afew hours,but I wouldnt go wasting your cash on it unless you can pick it up for around a tenner or preferably less, idiot that I am I paid full whack for it when it came out which was ridiculous, I got about 20 hours play out of it >.>

Despite what Im saying its not a bad game, but I dont think you're missing out if you don't play it...xD
You aren't really missing out on much, sure the cut scenes were pretty good, but you could probably check them out on youtube if you really wanted to. The gameplay was kinda entertaining at first, but it got boring and the story was just plain shit. I found it incredibly easy too, I finished it over the course of a weekend so it wasn't really worth the money imo.
The FMV were pretty much the same as Advent Children.

The camera controls only bothered me maybe 5 times at the most.

The only thing I have an issue with is the character designs...mainy of the deepground army. I know they want to do something fresh, but none of the characters fit into the FFVII universe.

No characters donned costumes like this, it reminded me somewhat of the FFX characters. In VII it was all like army style uniforms, not any of this orinental head straps and masks.

Azul...WTF how did someone get that big?

Weiss I did find an excellant designed character, for the maybe 5 mins he's in it.

The story...was dry. It was good so see something come out of the VII universe. But it didnt compel me to play. I didnt see what Vincents drive was to be going on his killing spree against deep ground.

But its worth playing just to see DEEPGROUND as the place is HUGE. Its another city below midgar.

Its the same as anyone has said, if you find it cheap its worth 10 hours of shooting stuff. But its not the best game, half the time you forget its based on FFVII
I bought it when it first came out...btw, Vladislak, I got all the G Report files, and I do recall seeing the ending to it now...thanks anyway, but it suddenly hit me not too long ago. I actually enjoyed the game, like I said before, I really do think you should play this game and complete it. I think it's a great game
I'd say you are if you're interested in Vincent's background, but otherwise, no, not really. Unless, of course, it gets a sequel.
It's nothing like the final fantasy games, that's what made me not like it.
Bit more effort in your posts please guys, its getting abit spammy in here, cheers
I enjoyed it, I'd say it's worth it.

The story itself is pretty good, just the execution of it lacks. If a little more effort was put into developing things more, it would've been much better. Liked customizing the guns aswell. Hardly ever used limit breaks except when they were really needed, like for Azul.

Having not played Crisis Core, this has been the only game where I've seen the FFVII world with an updated look (apart from in AC, though there's a difference in watching and playing through it) so that was pretty cool.
contrary to the previous opinions, i actually enjoyed the game. yeah the controls leave something to be desired, and the story falls short in comparison to the original FFVII, but the cutscenes are spectacular. they really do well with the whole dark angel theme (something that i've always enjoyed). also, the storyline gives more insight on the mythos behind omega. and, the minigame stuff that you can do after the game is through are a lot of fun. they serve for some good action and fun problem solving.

i think if you are still on the fence about buying the game, you should think about how big of a FFVII fan you are.

Just because the person may not want to play this game doesnt mean theyre not a "true" fan, if it doesnt really support FFVII and he wont miss alot why bother forking out 25-30 bucks to buy this game? FF a shooter? Idk about you but that screams lame in my book.
I didnt like the game personally, could be because I dont like Vincent. If you enjoy shooters, and want to know some more about Vincent then go for it. Rent it first then buy it if you like it.
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Only thing Worth playing the game for is storyline and some pretty neat cutscenes, and someones bound to have all that uploaded on a vid or something. Had more fun watching people play then actually playing it.
It had beautiful cutscenes, it was a Sqeenix shooter, have they done this before? I don't think they have, so I wasn't expecting much. The only thing you'd be missing is backstory for a now rewritten story that was great in the first place. I didn't mind the new characters, they were entertaining enough for this JShooter...lol. But, what bugged me the most was that I swear I played this game before.......ah yes I did, but it was directed by Hideo Kojima. Lol, come on you didn't notice that?
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