An interesting Photo


Oct 20, 2007

I was showing a friend Advent Children for the first time and he asked me if I had ever seen Inuyasha -- just a couple parallels we came up with. :D

Cloud/Inuyasha - Emo guy w/ a big sword.
Red/Kilala the little cat who turns into a big cat...
Yuffie and Sango both throwing things...
Cait Sith/Shippo, enough said....
Barette and Miroku both use their hand barette isnt so much of a womanizer but definately both are like the #2 guy.
Aeries/Kikyo dies only to be indecisively replaced by tifa/kagome
Sess and Vincent both mysterious and distant -- kinda quite and keeps to themselves.
Naraku/Sephiroth very similar however naraku is also like sephiroth jenova rolled into one you fight parts of jenova all game, and they fight parts of naraku throughout the whole series.
Turks line up w/ narakus crew is a bit more loose I would actually put that kid matched up with tseng now that i think about. the little girl is always quiet and so is Rude.

That kind of it, just wondering what you guys think about this as I was kind of surpised myself when he mentioned it. Inuyasha was ok, I'm not a big fan but I did see a lot of similarites.
Actually, I find this interesting. XD

I like Aerith/Kikyo, Tifa/Kagome thing. Both of the earlier ones were more reserved, and the later are more hyper and cheerful. XD Plus, former both die.
I've seen this show (Inuyasha). I thought it was a good show nothing spectacular. But I never thought of the similarities between it and FFVII. Very interesting find.