the story line is that on 3 planets life has developed differently, on one life developed under the sea (water planet) on another it developed on land and the final one in air. when the war began the mermen(water) have started to strick the air group, while the land group are developing back their lost technology from the war with air. 10 years pasted and they are all equal in technology and the war is spreading to all parts of the universe
goals: aquire the dinatrious alloy, and destroy your enimys
rp style: free style
max rpers: 9; 3 on each team
pm me your charactor and don't post inless it is a question i will be updateing the list of open slots as we go
all open
defence slot and other class open
2 open
closed slot yet to be recieved
goals: aquire the dinatrious alloy, and destroy your enimys
rp style: free style
max rpers: 9; 3 on each team
pm me your charactor and don't post inless it is a question i will be updateing the list of open slots as we go
all open
defence slot and other class open
2 open
closed slot yet to be recieved
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