Anyone else love the battle and level up system

Vivi Orunitia

How you prove that you exist...? Maybe we don't ex
Mar 30, 2010
Black Mage Village
The reason I love it so much is that you really can't over level but you can.
Such as I'm in chapter 11 and (leveled up at that one spot where the king behemoth is fighting that overgrown dog thing) went through the tunnels and fought that juggernaut and it was still a challenging fight. I don't really see why a lot of people criticize the game as much as they do.
OOO I am up to a bit past you. I forgot about the juggernaut, I died , grinded, forgot about it then moved on. (slaps self)
anyways, yes. I really do love the battle and level up system in this game. The crystarium may only have one path per role but you choose which role you level and when which is enough customization for me :)
The battle system is great as well. It is a lot more funner to watch and with all the moving that goes on it is just plain more interesting and a lot more can happen.
A few things annoy me about it though, such as characters always standing near me Sentinel so they keeps getting hit with area attacks! Grr. and how long the paradigm shift seqence takes usually, sometimes it only show one group shot but usually it is a long and annoying shot on each person separately.

Overall, I think this is the best battle system so far in a FF game (but VI's unique character skills is a close second) and the leveling system is equal in awesomeness of the Sphere Grid. But that is just my opinion.
i am only 8 hours through the game but i have to admit that the battle system is very different from what i am use to...i hate the fact you cannot control your other team can be quite frustrating that they heal themselves before you...but other then that the battle system i can tolerate....the leveling up i cannot tolerate... it reminds me of the sphere grid but a lot more advanced...

also i like the fact u change the way u battle during the battle (Ravanger - Soldier - Medic), it is very handy have during a hard battle..
Oh I love both.

Well, I don't have much experience with other FF games, but I HATED the Turn battle system, I like the teammates thinking on their own for once >>
I must admit that enjoy not being able to overlevel. Lost Odyssey had a similar system in that, once you hit a certain level, all monsters in the area gave you 1 exp. Sure, once you get to the optional dungeon, there are rare monsters that level you up every time you kill one, but that's the only way you'll complete all of the optional quests.

Similar to this, only with Adamantoises being the rare monsters. Although once you get a level 9 crystarium, it's really, REALLY hard to cap out your levels, considering you also have the secondary jobs to run through.
I struggle with the battle system here I must admit I don't like the fact that you can't control all your characters in the battles. Maybe thats me being pedantic about stuff but I really liked the old battle system they used.

Don't get me wrong the story is good but the battle system lets you down a bit.
I struggle with the battle system here I must admit I don't like the fact that you can't control all your characters in the battles. Maybe thats me being pedantic about stuff but I really liked the old battle system they used.

Don't get me wrong the story is good but the battle system lets you down a bit.

I see what your getting at but the only thing that gets me that I got used to was that if your leader dies its game over but to counter that they made it that instead of losing hours of progress you just start right there before the battle.
I do like the battle system generally, but I don't think it allows for the same level of strategising as you'd get in other FFs. For example, if I want to use Enthunder to take advantage of an elemental weakness, then I can bring a Synergist into the party, but if I'm not the one controlling him/her, I have to wait until they've casted other spells first. Moreover, I don't even have to know that using Enthunder would be a good idea; as soon as the Synergist is in the party, he/she will eventually cast it. Another example is that you can't always control who gets healed and in what order, unless you're the Medic. This gets a bit less of an issue once you can change your party leader and then once you can learn new roles.

Overall, I think they've done a very good job at getting a balance between strategy and fast-paced battles. Still, I think it would have been better if, like in XII, you could switch your party leader during battle (with AI taking over the other party members when you do so).
Many people (including myself) believe that the developers of FFX were the ones entrusted to make FFXIII, the obvious points are the sphere grid-crystarium and the likeness of the characters along with the similarities of many of the areas, even some of the monsters are nabbed directly from FFX. The battle system is good as it crosses FFX's and FFX-2's systems. The strategy from X, the pace from X-2, the pure reason for controlling only one character is simple-play FFX-2 and you will have a nightmare of controlling all 3 character's atb gauges and getting them to strike on time, with one character the battles are well paced and more strategic rather than you just pressing the 'attack' button, the only real problem I have is the inability to switch characters in battle so you could make better use of say Vanille's saboteur role over sazh's synergist role for example.
@Kitab Yeah I do wish that they added the ability to switch leaders mid-battle that would make things better but also at the same time in the older FF's you could only heal one person at a so basically nothing was changed there.

@Reaper_Jack That too is another thing I got used too since in X the player was able to switch characters would also make things much more interesting.
Yeah I pretty much went all out in chapter 11 and fought the two dog things goin at it. I think my fastest time for killing them was like 15 seconds. I thought the exp system was OK but not something I really enjoyed.