Anyone else think it was slow?


May 4, 2007
elk river mn
Well i believe that it was a very slow game for most of the game until the end which is when i believe that it got fun but i dont want to have to wait for the entire game to be able to get to the good stuff anyone else?:blink:
the first 10 hours you play it was a wild ride
but than things started to slow down stil wild but not woooo wild
You don't have to wait until the end of the game to do the good stuff. You can do that in between the main storyline.
I thought it was pretty fast paced considering all the sidequests as weel as the main storyline. I had few times wher I thought "what do I do next?". Most other times I was thinking more like "I could hunt this dude, beat this dude, find this key, or continue the story." Oh yeah I also need to equip this, sell this, buy that, go here, find this or that. So i guess If you totally weren't paying attention then yeah nothing was in your face going "DO THIS!!" so I guess it could seem slow. But for those actually paying attention to all that could be and was to do then no it was fast paced as you made it. And no slower than the PS1 FF games "VII, VIII, or IX. Which I may add had big block pixels of slowness loading times.
Apart from most of the area's getting very repetitive for me after awhile I didn't find It to be boring. It was great all the way up to the end, but yes It got a lot more interesting at the end.
Um, I wouldn't actually say "slow" was pretty fast paced for me, as far as the main storyline goes. But then there's the sidequests you can do, so that pretty much lagged me behind because most of them were actually kinda hard and extremely time-consuming. =/ The battles made things a lot more quickly for me, so I'm content with that.

And like JR stated, you can always do the sidequests in the middle of the storyline. That's how I always do least the majority of it anyway. Then when I get bored with the sidequests, I'll continue on with the journey. Yet again, you can always do it vice versa...I find it more useful that way. If you wait until the end to do the sidequests, you'll definitely feel overwhelmed by the number of things you can do, and will probably result to not doing some of them, as it's only natural to feel hyped about the ending, especially since you're so damn near to finishing the game...
i thought i was slow agreed, i have so much criticsm for this game ive decided to play it again see if i enjoy it more
My sentiments are similar to those of a couple of previous posts. The main storyline quest tiself is a bit of a slow burner, but thanks to the amount of side-activities available to you during the game, it doesn't really feel like a slow game as such. That said, I feel the story in this game was better balanced, I was interested in it start to finish, there wasn't really a dull patch for me, unlike some of the other games.