Are the older titles in the series better ?

Cinnamon Locke

Kohlingen Fried Chocobo
Apr 11, 2007
In a cinnamon dappled Kohlingen
In some ways I think that this is becoming the case, ever since some of the Square executives left the individual story's of the Final fantasy games have being growing weaker. Although I really have hope that XIII will be good seeing as they have said it will be a 10 year project. Mabye square' writers have run out of ideas and that is the reason for multiple sequel's and prequel's that are not best and we don't really need. (ex. X-2 and the VII compilation)

I think that the older titles on the PS1 and SNS were very good, I just seems that the series seemed to lose its flair when it made its transiton to the PS2 losing key elements like the world map and being able to freely fly the airship and the usual familar random battles and in the case of FFXIII the changing the summons names I really disliked that a lot. Final Fantasy X was good but was there really a need to link it with Final Fantasy VII, and what was the point of Tidus' death in Final Fantasy X if Yuna could just fight a battle or two and have him back.

I really do like the improvements of graphics and fmv that the newer titles have, but it just seems that there pretty and thats really all they are. So what do you all think
The last Final Fantasy I enjoyed was IX. VIII is okay. Enjoyed VII, and I am currently playing through FFIII, IV and VI and enjoying them, particularly IV & VI. I think the SNES and PS1 have been better than the PS2 titles.
FF has gone down since it came to the PS2.
We just said in the chat that SNES had the best FFs.
I sorta agree with PreZ.
I mean, since the game series came to the PS2, Squenix has been experimenting with all sorts of things, even making the thing online and whatnot.
I still think they should stick to the older version, because that's what made them successful in the first place.
Hell yes, they were better on the SNES! Although I do enjoy FF9 & 10, most of the FFs didn't feel as appealing as the older ones.
I don't think it's really fair to comapre titles to one another in the FF series; they are all different and evolving.

Of course you're gonna like FFVII better since you played it first and it's hyped like crazy. Of course you're gonna think FFXII is stupid because it's aimed at a mature audience with a very deep plot if you pay attention to everything and search deeper in the story.

The Old School games are great; the new games are great as well. You need to realize that each game is it's own game. 500 FFVII games would get old...FAST. That's not how Square-Enix rolls... They get creative to keep us on our toes.
Would your opinions change if they changed the names of X XI XII .
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I don't think it's really fair to comapre titles to one another in the FF series; they are all different and evolving.

Of course you're gonna like FFVII better since you played it first and it's hyped like crazy. Of course you're gonna think FFXII is stupid because it's aimed at a mature audience with a very deep plot if you pay attention to everything and search deeper in the story.

The Old School games are great; the new games are great as well. You need to realize that each game is it's own game. 500 FFVII games would get old...FAST. That's not how Square-Enix rolls... They get creative to keep us on our toes.

I completely agree. I just recently played FFX and found it to be one of the most enjoyable games I've ever played. Not only in terms of gameplay, but also in terms of storyline. Few games have storylines that are as engrossing. I've played a few minutes of XII on another friend's PS2 and I find it to be really good. But I also recognize that the older ones are great games. FFVII is a classic and will always be. But you can't diss the new games for trying something new, since each FF game is something entirely new.
It all depends, the Older FF games were fun to play and all that, but the newer ones are just as good. just because a few major changes have been made to the system doesn't make it any better or worse than the older games.

personally my top 4 FFs are VII X IX and XII. a mix of old and new games. it all depends on your personal preference which game is better, so you can't Generalise it and say that the older games are better or worse than the newer games. because in the end their all the same series and it all depends on you.
I think the older ones are better. I haven't played VIII or IX, but I didn't like X or X-2 much. I've also yet to play FFXII, which looks pretty good since some of the summons are old bosses.
bcoz the old FFs are ideal RPGs. I just find them simply enjoyable even though they're 2D. my favorites are mostly those on PS1 and I think the games on PS2 are more than enough.
That is a loaded question. I think it can not be answered fairly. So much has changed. As technology got better so did the graphics etc. It left little to the imagination. What I loved about the older FF's was you could get really wrapped up in the story, and I find that less and less with the newer ones. Not that they aren't good stories, but there are no blanks to fill in with your imagination.
I personaly have only enjoyed playing IV, VII,VIII, IX and X. so i don't think the olders are better they were good undoutably but so are the new ones.
not really sure whether to agree or not,,, but i certainly like FF's in the older and new versions.
Yes, I like the older games alot better. FF1 and 3 were alright. I had the most fun playing 4 through 10.

Keep in mind that the staff isn't the same anymore. Hironobu Sakaguchi stepped down, he's working on Mistwalker.