Are the Summons useful?

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Nov 6, 2008
Hi there I'm new so be gentle!

Fristly it's nice to be able to talk about the game with other people, most people I know don't or won't play it!

Anyhow back to the topic. I have rarely used (up to now) any of my summons. Ok, once mainly Gigas to open the door thats it. I've completed the game and saved it just before I boarded the Bahmut. Now I'm completing all the hunts and trying to get all the weapons. I just don't see how the Summons are of any use at all thus far? I never use them. I've used quickenings and even then quite rarely? Maybe you need them furthur on in the game? Oh and just to ask does the "boss" to end the game get harder as you get stronger? I beat him quite easily many, many, many hours ago and I can't imagine hitting him more than once if I was to board the Bahmut now!
No they all suck and are useless, its just a waste of time and MP summoning them imo.

I wish they made the summons in XII as cool as the ones in X, at least X's summons where really useful - since you could control them like characters unlike in this game.
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