Artwork by Ethers


One Winged Angel
May 25, 2009
Geelong, AUS.
So, I'm a budding Freelance Artist.. not much money in that, lol. But it makes me happy. ^_^

I've had a few Exhibitions, so I've been pretty lucky. Trying to turn my passion into a succesful career, one day. A girl can dream, right? :P

All of these are hand created - no digital. Although I do a bit of both.
Some are not original designs, but from album covers. See if you can spot which ones - hopefully some of you know your Rock n' Metal. \m/

All comments appreciated.
That's some amazing work right there, the detail is brilliant, that first picture is simply stunning

Keep up the awesome work!
Thank you. ^_^
The first one (called The Way Out) is my newest, and favourite. It has a great meaning to the picture. It actually got Exhibitioned in the Gordon Art Gallery, and came runner up in the awards.

It isn't even actually finished.. o.o
That sketch of the girl in the water I have there, is actually going to be added to it. It's just taking me a long time - it's a freakin' huge painting - lol. Taking me months just to get that far with it.
I really like that titan fist coming outa the ocean, thats freakn tight!
The second one of your next list of drawings on ur 3rd post with the ocean crashing down is another one i really like, I just love ur ocean paintings! Same with that human knight hes really detailed but looks a little funky =).
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These are fantastic, I especially like the second one on the first set you posted. They all look amazing. Awesome work, really.
Thanks! ^_^

A new sketch I finished today.. it's not a final product yet but I think it's cool to see pictures developing, and not just final artworks. It's in colour pencil, on A2 size paper.
Oh, I had no idea your work was on here, Sis. ^^

I love your work a lot, you know I already admire it, but I would say "The Way Out" painting has been my absolute favourite by far. Maybe because it also holds a lot of meaning as well as being a fantastic piece of art. I love your surrealist works however. ♥
Thank you. :awesome:

"The Way Out" is certainly my favourite as well. I really must work on finishing it.. mum just gave me some mirror glass though, which I intend to add to the painting. She pulled it out of a make-up mirror! XD

But it should work nicely as a symbol of "hope" (like the other floating orbs) in the painting. Thanks for commenting, sis.