der Astronom

Is a bigot for agreeing with Jim
Jun 7, 2006
Germany (for 3 months...)
It seems that most of you have neglected the forum policy regarding signatures.

Double EDIT: Sorry for the confusion, but the maximum dimensions for a sig graphic is 500x300, due to some recent complaints. Please make sure that your signature graphic is no larger than this. If you do, please either resize your sig graphic or remove it.

If you do not remove it or change it, you will be warned and asked to change it.

Thank you.
basically it can be a very long sig but no taller than 468. so ur sig can be 300 hieght and like 700 lenght.
No, you guys got it all wrong. You can have a sig that is 500px in width and 300px in height. What part of it do you not understand?
Finally, that is correct. Which means your current signature is just fine, no need to worry about.
When measuring pixels, the first number is width, the second is height ;)

So 500 pixels width maximum and 300 pixels height maximum :)

is a signature ok if u use something embarrasing that someone on this site said?
Well yeah I guess that's fine but unless it has to do with Tenshi, then I'm afraid I'll have to ban you from the site. :P
Vincent, couldn't you just quote the part of that convo by text instead of using that HUGE banner? It messes up the table layout of your posts.. ¬_¬;