Avalanche: Signup and Discussion

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Black Mage
Apr 19, 2007
FFVII Soap Opera: Signup and Discussion

Ok, I understand that the whole Avalanche/ShinRa story is all done in the end, but I want to pretend that none of that happened :rolleyes: Still the same characters from FFVII of course, we just decide our own storyline...
I also thought it would be interesting to include the bad guys at the same time.​

Barrett- Orihalcon
Tifa- Tifa_TRUE_Lockheart
Aeris-Aerith Gainsborough
RedXIII- Black-rose-2k7<!-- google_ad_section_end -->
Vincent- Shenorai
Cait Sith​
Rufus- The Legendary Wullfe
Sephiroth- Julius Argexis
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Aerith Gainsborough has came up with a good suggestion, FFVII in the form of a soap opera :) This means there is no set mission that everybody has to stick to.
For example: Cloud and Aerith can have their own little story, while Cid and Sephiroth can simply be having a drink at the bar.

This is not the actual thread for the RP. It has not started yet. This is simply to sign up and give feedback.

All characters are residents of Nimbelheim..For now at least..So when we start the RP, that's where it'll all begin ;)

Here is the link for the main RP: FFVII: Soap Opera
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Guess who i want to be :P

i dare you XD

I have a suggestion, you could set it out like a soap opera, not like a battle or anything, where characters can just be in a set location and just go from there. ive seen it done on a few other sites and its really fun :)
I like that idea, we could have it set to a certain place then, like Midgar, Rocket town etc..Or have I completely missed the point? XD

Oh and I'm guessing you want to be Cait Sith....:rolleyes:
hey what about other shinra operatives not just the turks?

like heideggar
sephiroth(he was in shinra for a while)

also i will be cloud :)
I just assumed no one would like to be those bit part people....how wrong I was. Welcome aboard FFGuy ;)
i am not saying if anyone would just that they are involved in the ff7 plot so i felt they should be there
I like that idea, we could have it set to a certain place then, like Midgar, Rocket town etc..Or have I completely missed the point? XD

Thats exactly the point :) if you have the starting position, say Seventh heaven then new comers can make their first posts in the soap opera there. and if its set in a soap opera type style then people can create there own stories with like another person they Enjoy RP'ing with, but like other characters could interupt.

does that make sense? *re-reads it* probably not...
hmm i think i get what you mean....

do you mean someone can set up a scenario and some other member could gatecrash it.....sort of
I understand what you mean. Basically, we don't all have to be involved in the same plot.
For example, Cloud and Aerith can have their own story going. Whereas Cid could have his own seperate story with Vincent.

Any clearer?
Like say Cid and Vincent were having a conversation, the person being Cloud could go

"Cloud walked up to Vincent, who was in deep cvonversation with Cid, and tapped him on the shoulder and said

"i need to talk to you"

Does that make sense?

And if we had more storylines going then it allows more freedom and flexibility ^_^
Check the first post everybody, slight changes made. The whole Avalanche/ShinRa idea has been scrapped. Sephiroth added. Just altered everything now the whole theme of the RP has changed ;)

I think Aerith explained it well in her last post :)
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I think Aerith explained it well in her last post :)

:mad: is ish a guy XD i adore the mind games my username plays XD

Anyhoo, i have two requests/ideas for this RP.

Try not to have a CloudxTifa or a CloudxAerith story, that way both shippers can be happy and we wont start a Mini-LTD XD

Also do you think a Good entrance place for everyone would be Tifas bar? That way characters can enter there, and it gives people a place to stay until a storyline becomes available to them :)
I appologise *hangs head in shame* I agree with the no CloudxTifa, no CloudxAerith love triangle stories XD

I think the entrance should indeed be at Seventh Heaven, but I don't think it should stay there. Personally, I'd like the characters to be residents of a villiage/town or whatever; gives everyone more scope to expand their stories.
so what your suggestiong is maybe have the first few entrants of the RP enter at 7th heaven and then later ones join stories in like other places?

im kinda new at RP'ing XD
XD ok instead of all this unnecessary confusion, I'm just going to choose a location for everyone to live in...Let's all start in Nimbelheim :) If we get bored of it, we can always have a mass moving day, wooo!
This way people that start the RP late can simply get involved straight away. This also means we can get started sooner, rather than later :)
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