Discuss all things to do with Battle Replay here. Post your replays that have been put up on video sites like YouTube, share your tips for editing and so on. One liners will be considered as spam, be deleted and you will be issued with a warning.
Here's my very first replay.
I'm not used to all the editing and stuff yet, so I'm playing around with it whenever I can. In the meantime, this was an old battle I had saved from September and so uploaded it on to the PSP's memory as a video. Then I put it on the computer and edited it in Windows Movie Maker to add the music in to make it sound so dramatic.
Here's my very first replay.
I'm not used to all the editing and stuff yet, so I'm playing around with it whenever I can. In the meantime, this was an old battle I had saved from September and so uploaded it on to the PSP's memory as a video. Then I put it on the computer and edited it in Windows Movie Maker to add the music in to make it sound so dramatic.