Crisis Core battle system love it or hate it??


show me your honor
Mar 13, 2008
tx soon to be back to mn
im not used to this type of battle system but other then the fact that it takes for ever to get to items when your trying to defend and not get hit i think its an ok battle system some what of a pain but im up for new things also weres cloud i have yet to see cloud wtf lol let me no what you think
XD I know, wtf is Cloud!?

the battle system has its annoying moments, but I find more realistic, see as in a real fight no one just stands there and calls out their attack. can you imagine, though ^_^?
Ooooo I love the battle system! I kept hearing that it was very Kingdom Hearts style before I actually got to play it...but I don't think so...

It was really hard to get adjusted to at first...
what with switching between commands with L1 and R1...I'm getting better though! And it's really fun! This battle system hit the spot for me!

The ONLY complaint that I have is that the summon scenes are WAYYYYY too long!!! o_O
it hit the spot for me too once i got used to it now im kicking ass and having a blast i cant believe xplay gave it a 2 out of 5 wtf they need to learn what a real game is and real games arent made for the xbox lol personnally i give this game a 9/10 cuz the leveling up system is well crappy so far thats the only flaw of course im still not that far ive just been doing missions not that far in the story yet well ill c you all later
finally ran into Cloud. It's when you least expect it.

So, yeah, using the summons is a huge pain. so far i only used Bahamut once, and Cactuar three times. and leveling up is stupid, despite the fact i lvl'd up twice in two battles ^_^
You can use summons when you want?
Can you? That would be far I only get to use summons when the unreliable slots tell me I can...X__x

Yeah the only complaint would be the super long summons, and yes...the horrible leveling up system...
I've basically just spent 5 hours running around in circles in battle, waiting for the slots to give me a chance at leveling up...UUGHHHH.
um, no, you cant use the summon's when you want. i guess i worded that quite poorly. my bad >_<
The ONLY complaint that I have is that the summon scenes are WAYYYYY too long!!! o_O[/spoiler]

You can skip them by pressing X or O. :neomon:

So, yeah, using the summons is a huge pain. so far i only used Bahamut once, and Cactuar three times. and leveling up is stupid, despite the fact i lvl'd up twice in two battles ^_^

summonz sux.

Octaslash > summonz. :neomon:

I've basically just spent 5 hours running around in circles in battle, waiting for the slots to give me a chance at leveling up...UUGHHHH.

Well... leveling up isn't as random as most people think it is, according to a user on Gamefaqs. If you just keep fighting tough monsters, you'll eventually level up. I've leveled up four times today, and I'm only just getting started rly. :elmo:

But I love the battle system, it's a ton of fun compared to the traditional ATB battle system. It's hard to describe just how much I love it. :wacky:
Yeah, I love the Battle System, not only is it realistic but it is cool. (Despite the fact that sometimes I still push the wrong buttons, XD)

Anyways, It's a really good game to get, for instance I showed it to some people who never liked/played FF and they liked Crisis Core, XD
The Battle systems awesome, I really liked the feel of getting crit's on monsters, I also liked the number of overdrives that you can do.
Button placement is perfect for this kinda thing.
Only thing I hate is the whole "Activating Combat Mode" and being interupted by the DMV during battle.

Everything else rocks.
I only hate the battle system because the DMW reels come at times when i dont want to use it. other than that the system is alright. leveling up is weird yes but ive gotten used to it.
to be honest the battle system took abit getting use to at first afterwards it was a breeze and I mastered all the L + R commands and such.
Hahaha I kept going to cure, then forgetting to go back to attack, so I just kept curing like a buffoon!! :P

I've gotten used to it now though, I still can't block and dodge very well, but that's always been a problem for me! I'm pretty pleased overall, it's not the arm-ache button bashing of KH so I can keep up with it.
I think it's okay, actually it makes the game really easy for me, you know you can dodge almost every attack, and move around i think it's just okay.
The battle system is fun and addictive. Takes some time to get the hang of, but it makes the missions a bit more enjoyable since the battles are more interactive.

The DMW is quirky and can get annoying, but it was well worth it at the end of the game. The way it is used...
Does the level up chances become greater with more EXP, or whatever it is, raises? Makes sense to me. Even so, I hate not knowing when I level up.

makes me play with the sound off during missions. That and the helicopter overdrive. I'M TRYING, I'M TRYING!!!

Last complaint. So far there hasn't been the option for getting a new Sword. That kills me! Hopefully Angeal gives me his!

I give the battle system 7.5/10. It's fun, but it gives me seizures. A welcome addition to FFVII.
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