FFX-2 Battles


love it :]
Oct 27, 2008
What are you opinions on the way you battle in this game, as compared to in X?
I personally liked X better, cause you had time to think without pausing, and you wont like die for taking a minute to think.
i quite liked the battles and the chains you could build up. I especially liked still taking your move even when the enemy is dead. I hate when Im about to heal and they die, s I have to do it in the menu. Its a lzy persons dreeeam
I love the battle system in this game. You have to be on your toes with how quick it can be(i turned the speed all the way up). Makes it more fun when you really nail someone with great button combos and speed.
The battle system was, even if it was seriously easy, better then X's. It's much better to actually, be moving while selecting moves, makes battling a lot more fun, and "realistic".
I really liked the battle system, I thought that it was X-2's only redeeming quality.

Bambi said:
i quite liked the battles and the chains you could build up. I especially liked still taking your move even when the enemy is dead. I hate when Im about to heal and they die, s I have to do it in the menu. Its a lzy persons dreeeam

I really liked that too as I am quite lazy when it comes to constantly opening the menu to heal between battles.

In comparison to X's Battle system though. I still liked X's battle system better, as I found it quite fun planning strategies an such.
I like both. I know it's not a straight answer, but both are unique and add an interesting touch to the gameplay. I like the CTB (Conditional Turn-Based Battle, FFX battle system) because it allows you to strategise and plan ahead. On the contrary, I also enjoy playing the ATB (Active Time Battle system) because of the realness of it, and also, as mentioned before, because of the massive chains you can get (3 gunners + Strategic planning + Trigger Happy = Total ownage + Huge chain).
Since I like to take my time, I preferred the X battle system better. However I enjoyed X-2's also, messy as it was. Switching outfits to change abilities (or classes I guess) was new and interesting. Finding new spheres and leveling up was fairly simple, but fun. Only problem was that the battle graphics were reduced greatly compared to X. But it was really fun overall.
FFX has my most favorite battle system, so of course I like it more.
But the battle system of FFX-2 is great as well IMO.

It is the first game in which I can say I loved the ATB system.
I loved the battle system in FFX, but FFX-2 was a lot funner. It was a lot more active and really fast paced.
FFX had a nice battle system but I loved the on in Final Fantasy X-2. It was really good. It was so fast and fun. So if you leave you're controller down for a second you can be killed easily. But what I loved about x-2 was the ability to change dresspheres in battle.
Another thing I liked about FFX-2's battle system is how the camera moves around and makes it seem smoother. Also FFX-2 didn't have the usual "Good guys on one side, enemies on the other" type of structure, for example you enter a battle and there are enemies behind Yuna or something. It made it more natural.
Trigger Happy should be renamed Carpel Tunnel Syndrome, though.

I loved FFX's tactics-based "sit and think" style. It was built for people with arthritic hands. I don't expect it, since most people have more functional hands, but gosh, it helped!
I found FFX's battle system al little too easy... but I liked it anyway... I could leave it on allll night, and not get any damage. *I hated that I couldn't leave ffX2 on...*
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FFx-2 > FFx

ive played ffx with my friend, and like.. i dont like ffxs battlesystem.
idgi, its .. complicated. Dx

imo, ffx-2s battlesystem is awesome.
its easy, fun && entertaining.
I liked the X-2 battle system. I enjoy the fast-paced style in battle because it keeps me focused and tests my reaction time.
I never compare a game's battle system to another, but since you're asking I found X was better. I like a challenge, and even though X-2 was active, it gave you the chance to quickly kill an enemy before they even have a chance to attack. That wasn't as much fun as waiting and watching what the enemy was going to do in X. Especially if it was an incredibly powerful attack, where you would just wait for that game over because you knew beforehand.
Good memories.
I reaaally liked the battle system in X-2 a lot. It was quite fun for me to be able to change dresspheres in the middle of the battle and whatnot :monster: I like how they have lil phrases they say when they change and whatnot cute. I also liked how whenever your healing but the fiend is already dead, it let's you. Liked it muchos ^_^
the battle system in X-2 was awesome, other than that and the clearing up of Titus' fate I didn't care for the game much, I hate to say it but I couldn't help but feel like I was playing a Charlies Angels video game