
Jul 25, 2011
Hello, everyone! The name's zeroslash, and I have never really played a single Final Fantasy game. That's right, you heard me. The reason as to why I joined was that after reading an article about how Final Fantasy VII is not overrated, I wanted to learn more info about the franchise itself. Though I'm not a huge RPG fan and when I do play an RPG, I'd prefer it to be an action-oriented one, I'm still stubborn in my quest (hah, RPG joke) to know my fair share of gaming lore. Why? It helps to know this stuff when becoming a future game designer/director, but let's cross that bridge when we get to it, shall we?

As for myself, I love me some action games, preferably hack-and-slashers, action RPGs, platformers (grew up on the Nintendo 64; forget the PS1 :P), certain shooters, and really any game that combines customization with action; I also adore exploration, and I will get excited, if not aroused, by the idea of exploring the environment in a video game. That's why I liked Fable II and III, despite the fact that exploration is the only thing those two have going for them, and even still I think it could be better. But meh. As for turn-based RPGs, I've played Pokémon Red, Blue, Yellow, and Platinum (big jump, I know), Paper Mario 1 and 2... and that's about it. :/

Also, I just want to get this out of the way and say I like talking animals who may or may not walk on two legs. You figure out the rest. I'll also say that I've been known amongst my friends to be a bit of a jokester. I'll try and keep my jests appropriate as possible, but IRC does things to you. :s

Anyway, as I've said I've joined to learn more about Final Fantasy and RPGs in general, so whether you like it or not, I'm here to stay for as long as it takes and eventually play my first Final Fantasy game. I'd make a joke regarding that, but I'm not sure if it's appropriate — and the rules are rather vague regarding language, though I'm aware of the "no-hate" rule. Racism r no funny.

All in seriousness and let's hope I didn't offend anyone, I wish for you to welcome me into your humble abode.

(Actually, I did play a bit of Final Fantasy XIII, but I got bored pretty quickly. I should pick it up again.)
Hello interesting fella, welcome to the site. =] Good to know you've decided to join despite your lack of Final Fantasy gaming. It's all good - you can be purple, green, or blue and we'd still welcome you. ;)

See you around!
Thanks, Pockets. I am indeed colorful in ways that are best not mentioned. : P

theres a no hate rule....?

Well, what I mean is there's a rule against racist and sexist jokes, even in jest. Maybe I'm just a square...
Enix. :trollface:
Oh I was gunna say, the amount of times Ive said FFV is bollocks

Actually, ive probably hated on FF more than Ive said WOO this is great.... :hmmm:

As for sexism, the boys think they are witty telling us to get back in the kitchen and other new original quips, yeah, id go in there for a frying pan to twat you over the fuckin' head pal :rage:

Also, welcome :monocle: