
Haha, didn't bother me. Look at FFI for example, they were already altogether at the beginning ;P
yeah and in II to
but thats a good thing cause you can see that the game is from another
era the era that games don't hold your hands all the time
(and the era that people thought the world is flat ;) )
I mean you cant buy phoeninx down and not all springs give you deathmebers back
yes i prefer the challenge of gathering them up not like in ff10 where you get them all in no time at all

i have never played ff3 but i am hopefully getting a ds shortly after my b-day and then i can play it

when could you recruit anyone? (barring the ghosts on ghost train)

i think you are talking about the american version of ff6 unless i am wrong and this is talking about ff6
I'm pretty sure in teh Jap version of ff3 (Original not DS) you start with all 4 of your party members at the beggining
yeah i dislike FF games where you get all the characters almost instantly, but what annoys me the most in FFIII is that none of them come already equipped with a job - which would be what they would be best at) or own equipment - they lose their originality factor