FF Music Best/Favorite Music?


Chocobo Breeder
Nov 20, 2006
It's going to sound really corny when i say this but, I grew up on all the final fantasy games...and everyone has their own favorite music, scenes, characters etc from all the games... but for some reason the music in FFVIII, had some kind IMPACT one me where for a long time I would just burn the music to CD and listen to it straight in my car CD player...

I'll do more research later to find out exactly which tracks they were, but my fave tracks were the music when in the FMV with the tower growing, when the ragnarok crashes into the shield of that giant rectangle, and the arms come out and grab onto it... man i loved those scenes and the music too....

some other classic music i love are the battle music from FFVII and the boss battle music from FFVII...

whats your fave music?
Trust me i listen to LOADS of VG music, your not alone mate.

There is too many FF tracks that i like. Seriously.

I'll list my favorite FF8 ones though.

Don't be afraid
Force your way (Best boss battle theme IMO)
Never look back
Shuffle or Boogie
The man with the machine gun
Ultima Weapon
Edea's theme
Fithos lusec wecos vinosec
Eyes on me (how could it not be on the list?)
Mods de chocobo
Ride on
The Castle
The Legendary Beast
The extreme

If i were to name ALL my favorite tracks from every FF game then there you would be here all day reading it.
ill list my top 5 in order :

1. One Winged Angel - Sephiroths theme (ff7) (How can you not like this song)
2. Aeris' Theme (ff7) (One of the most simple yet beautiful things ever)
3. Suteki Da Ne (ffx) (Pure genious)
4. You Are Not Alone (FFIX) (Brilliant)
5. Fight With Seymour (FFX) (Its good enough for me to have a permanent save file right before the last seymour boss fight)
I have so much FF and other vg music on my ipod, and yes I also listen to it in the car sometimes.

The best soundtrack in my opinion was that of FFVIII. Favorite songs have to include.

Man with the Machine Gun
The Landing
Force Your Way
The Final Fantasy IX OST is my favorite of all. I loved the music in that game. It just seemed to fit the places and the characters perfectly and had a really magical feel to it. My favorite ones would have to be:

Vamo' alla Flamenco
Search for the Princess
Eye Catching
Fake Love
Evil Forest
Crossing Those Hills
Village of Dali
One Problem Settled
Song of Memory
Ukelele Chocobo
Forgotten Face
Mystery Sword
Eternal Harvest
Loss of Me (Rose of May)
Unfathomed Reminiscence
We Are Thieves
A Transient Past
You're Not Alone
Passing Sorrow
Melodies of Life
I have always liked the JENOVA theme. There is something haunting about it which I like! :)
here are some of my favorites in no particular order: battle with gilgamesh, chaos shrine, one winged angel, J-E-N-O-V-A, dark messenger, dancing mad
In my opion Vagrant Story had really good music I'm suprised know one else thought but then again I sometimes have weird taste.

*One Winged Angel (both versions) FFVII and Advent Children.
*Fithos lusec wecos vinosec
*Jecht's theme (I think it is the musice you hear at the final battle with him, you know at Zanarkand)
*To zanarkand
*Eyes on me
I consider Final Fantasy VIII to have one of the best soundtracks out of the series. It pumped you up for battle, made you feel sad when there was a depressing scene coming up, and most of the music fit the game perfectly. My favorite song from the soundtrack is Premonition, the song that plays when you fight Edea. It was great to listen to as you fought her.
- One winged Angel
- Who am I?
- Suteki da ne
- Someday the dream will end
- Hurry, faster!
- FFVII Boss Battle Music.. which I don't remember the name of.
- Otherworld
- FFIX Opening

That's all I can think of.
Jecht's theme is called "otherworld", and I believe that your secind one is Liberi Fatali, the opening to ff8.
Sorry, thought there was onlly 1 page...

Hunters Chance
Grand Finale
Force your way
Taktau Mono Taichi Piano version
Vamo ala Flamenco
Tifa's Theme
Skies Above (technically, not FF music)
Protecting My Devotion/The things I must protect
Mystery Sword
Eiko's Theme
Matoya's Cave
Highwind takes to the SKies
Hilda Garde 3
I absolutely love almost all of the Final Fantasy music...but the one that really stands out the most in my opinion is...-drum rolls-... To Zanarkand!

Heh, it's just awesome! The melody and the way it captivates the listener.
I like the cosmo canyon music alot..^^..and ..
to zanarkand
the jecht song..don't know what's it called
the the boss music from 7 and 8
My favorite is the FFTactics ST.Every track,I'm taken back to each battle or scene or sequence.The opening theme is amazing.
Main theme from FFVI
The song "Ami" from VIII
Main theme from VII
Liber Fatali VIII (Wish that was the Final Boss music)
Freya's theme
i listen to almost all FF songs. i have the complete soundtracks for
FF7 Dirge of cerberus
FF7 Advent children
FF tactics
and FF X
i didnt play FFX-2 so i didnt download the soundtrack also i just started playing FF 12 and ill download the track when i finish.