Best route from Zanarkand Ruins?


Chocobo Breeder
May 4, 2008
Hello there.

I am playing Final Fantasy X for the third time, but have never completedit before. I am now the furthest I have been into this game and I am loving it.

I have a guide book (Piggyback Authorised Collection) not for any cheats, but for information on the charaters and secrets etc.

I have just defeated Yunalesca (she killed me first time round but not the second) and I am now in control of the Airship. Although beating Sin won't end my game, I don't want to beat sin just yet. I would prefer to do some side-quests and the likes first.

I have in my mind, the route I want to follow, but I could use some guidance as to what is the best thing to do.

I want to level up my players some more, as I know they are not as strong as they can be even though Auron is hitting 9999 at the moment.

My first thought would be to get Overdrive > AP on all of my players and use the Don Tonberry trick. Am I right in assuming that I need 10x Door to Tomorrows per person? Which is easiest to get, stealing them in the Omega Ruins or obtaining 99 by catching all ememies in 6 different locations for the Monster Arena?

I think I am stuck because I am spoiled for choice. I have the airship, and know that I could go and get the cloudy mirror, but I want to be able to take on a few of the Dark Aeons. I already have Yojimbo, and have the required tools to access the Magus Sisters, but the Overdrive > AP is my main concern now I think.

Is there anything I should concentrate on that would be of great benefit to me? Should I go and get the weapons with 4 ability slots free for each player? I have Khimari's Dragoon Lance with Magic Counter and Evade & Counter, so this could be a good weapon to upgrade with Overdrive > AP and Double AP.

Any help would be appreciated.

Well, I have decided that I will go for the 99 Door to Tomorrow's that is availible by collecting all the monsters from 6 areas. I am only one monster away from this goal after I reviewed my monster collection when I got home from work today.

My train of thought now is purchase a weapon for each of the 6 characters with 4 free ability slots and add the Overdrive > AP to them all and completely adapt them to be Levelling Weapons (Overdrive > AP, Triple AP, Double Overdrive and there is one-more i cannot remember).

I will attempt to level the players up to a level where I can take on a few of the monsters I have gotten in the Monster Arena, and then go for some Celestial Weapons. I know that I could just customise some weapons to get the same abilities, but would like the Aeons to benefit from the added powers too.

Would you suggest getting all the extras and mini-games BEFORE defeating sin or wait until AFTER Sin?
Have you defeated his first form? Because that opens up a whole new area inside Sin and you can capture more monsters in there

Theres also Blitzball that you should be doing inbetween the battles so you can get Wakkas weapon/sigil, if you haven't done so already. You have to have like X amounts of fights inbetween leagues/tournaments, so while I was doing this, I was capturing monsters at the same time so I was killing 2 birds with one stone...
Thanks for that mate. I haven't played any Blitzball at all apart from the game you are forced to play. Although I have signed Wakka and Rin to my team. I guess this is something I will have to do.

Maybe finishing my quest for Overdrive > AP will be followed by a few games of Blitz and a visit to the Omega Ruins when I need battle-time between the games.
It's VERY drawn out, I hated playing blitzball, I got it over with as quick as I could and I still clocked up a great many hours.....

Good luck on getting the sigils and dodging thunderbolts, it made me so mad. Obseneties were hurled at the tv on SEVERAL ocassions
Well, I was looking for the Guarda in Mushroom Rock, and couldn't find it anywhere. Even on the Precipice it was not to be found, so I went to Dijose instead. I am now the proud owner of 99x Door to Tomorrow.

I saved on a separate slot and equipped all my players with a weapon with the Overdrive > AP ability
I set Tidus to stoic and Lulu and Auron to Comrade on the Overdrive Mode, and took on Don Tonberry.

I had Tidus attack Don Tonberry, who quickly used Karma on Tidus. Lulu then cast life on Tidus and Auron stood there looking mean.
I repeated the process, and continued onwards, even when Don Tonberry was stabbing my players to death. When I had enough, I brought them all to life again and fled like a coward.

On the AP earned page, Auron and Lulu has lots (Auron had more though) and Tidus has nothing.

How come this happened??

I need to get all my players to have the Comrade Overdrive Mode so I know I have some more work to do, and will do this in the Omega Ruins, but how come Tidus didn't earn any AP??

Just for information, none of my players have anywhere near 9999hp. Auron, who has close to 6000hp, is my strongest player and my most powerful player hitting at 9999 occasionally.

The rest have less HP and are not as strong. Yuna casts black magic in the reigon of 5500 - 6000 without the enemy having an elemental weakness.
If Tidus didn't get a turn then he wouldn't earn any exp, he needs to take some kind of action or he wont get anything :monster:
He was the one who attacked Don Tonberry though. Does he have to perform an action after being cleaned out by Karma?
If I remember correctly, he used a Phoenix Down on Lulu when she was stabbed.
Oh, in that case I have no idea, unless it's something to do with what you have set up on their weapons....? Do all their overdrives need to be full in order to get the exp?
I dunno. I used one of Tidus' overdrives too to empty his Bar, and then when he was killed using Karma his bar filled.

I guess I will have to keep trying. Good job I saved on a spare slot on the Memory Card.
At the moment you probably could take on Sin and finish the game. When I got to the same point I got the Celestial Weapons for Tidus, Yuna and Auron and all the extra Aeons as well as training up a little so my main party had over 4000HP each. Make sure you have Stoneproof items as well and you should be ok.

The AP trick is for fast levelling but probably used more to get ready for the Dark Aeons than anything. Have a look at the below vid where someone goes over how it works, you might see something that you missed.

Thanks for that. I actually got it right second time round, but it would seem that I have more to do, as I don't have one eye for the easy Triple AP ability.

I think I will concentrate on getting the players up to speed to be able to take on some of the Monster Arena monsters as well as obtaining Anima and the Magus Sisters, then it is off to defeat sin before killing the Dark Aeons.

Thanks for all the help guys. Any more comments are appreciated.