Help best spot to build strong characters


Jul 3, 2009
Hello everybody!

I've beaten the wings of Sin, and that creepy thing that follows next, thats how far in the game I am.

I was trying to get all of those celestial weapons but those nasty Dark Aeons keep bugging me around. Im looking for a good spot where I can just walk around and train my chracters a bit more.

What is a good (farm) spot where I can lvl up quickly? You know something like that spot with the dinosaurs in FF6? :p
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I won't give anywhere specific but I will say you have to consider your style. I am the type to place speed over efficiency.

For people who just get the job done fast regardless of damage taken I recommend an area where the enemies lack power but rather great numbers.

And well the opposite also stands.
I like the Omega Ruins (X Coord. 69-75, Y Coord. 33-38), providing I'm strong enough. If not, I'll do a couple of hours at the Zanarkand ruins first. At the Omega Ruins, there are some reasonable battles, a high encounter rate, and you never have to venture far from the savepoint (in fact, I'd recommend saving after every battle).
Well also make sure you have the right skills for an area like that. In my opinion Yuna will be your best buddy.
Omega ruins or the monster arena for me, if you keep getting your arse handed to you in the ruins, just run around the save sphere saving after every battle til you feel brave enough to venture further in, that's what I did, although, if you struggle i the ruins, best not to try the monster arena til much later
My opinion would be the Thunder Plains and the Calm Lands. Tons of places for random encounters with decent enemies to level up. I also spent a lot of time leveling up on Mt Gagazet to be strong enough to defeat Seymour, and aboard the airship before the battle with Evrae to get enough HP to withstand its attacks.
The monster arena is about your best bet since you can choose your opponent to match your level as well as tailoring to the specific characters you are looking to beef up.
Omega ruins is the best. The monsters there might be kinda hard, but if you use rikku and mug/steal from them, they give good items that can help you own later bosses. Also the monster arena because of the specifications you can make so that you fight a monster perfect for you. But omega ruins will help you greatly
I found the Omega Ruins to be a brilliant training place. They'd gain an AP level after nearly every battle.

Although, much much earlier in the game, Highbridge is bloody brilliant for training. I get my characters so powerful before the second Seymour fight that it's ridiculous. xD Only downside there is that Kimahri misses out D=
Normally I'd agree with everyone that monster arena is the best place to level, but I really didn't feel like spending the gil to fight. Imo, omega ruins is probably the best, if only because I hated the demonolith and king behemoth inside sin which is the only other place i'd recommend training at your level.
Omega Ruins is definitely the best place to level...without exception. I've found that the Monster Arena's rewards don't outweigh the difficulty of the monsters...though once you catch the Omega Ruins fiends it can be more efficient, I suppose.

As was stated before, you can usually get at least one level per battle, and with Double/Triple AP, you can obviously get more than that. :wacky: Just keep a few things in mind...using Aeons for Overkill (a good idea in earlier stages) negates the AP bonuses. Furthermore, be wary of Demonoliths, as their Breath attack has a nasty habit of petrifying your party for an instant Game Over. Use Stone Ward or Stoneproof to prevent unpleasantness...or stay near the Save Sphere at the beginning.

Good hunting to you. :monster:
I did the same Stevie!! I spent AGES on the Highbridge! :D I'm now using the enemies in the Zanarkand Ruins and getting some good AP out of them! Once I get the Airship I'll head over to the Omega Ruins and farm them for AP. :)

I also use the Tonberry trick :D
Get someones ultimit weapon then do the tonberry trick. ill never lvl normal again. you can max someones grid in like an hour.
So many options in Spira So little patience to try them all.

Well after seeing this topic I got my game out and did the usual Tonberry Trick (Good video of it on page 1) and found it very fun to see the Sphere Levels go up and up and up! So that is one good suggestion.

Omega ruins can be very helpful and here are some other things to be aware of whilst in there:

Great Malboro - He ambushes the party as his initial attack, Having somone with a First Strike weapon and Flee can be handy here. If you are confident that you want to fight it, First Strike and make sure Yuna is in Reserve. Switch the First Strike person with Yuna and Summon an Aeon, They will be Immune to The Bad Breath.

Spirit - I have noticed that this guy seems to counter any melee attacks with his Poison Mist ability, causing alot of Bad Status problems on you that you Don't need. The best advice again is either somone who can one hit Ko this person or an Aeon.

Black Elements - These, if they get a turn, Can cast Berserk and Silence aswell as Flare on your party. Beware of the Berserk as they appear with Spirits. Combine with its Poison Mist effect, you could have Confused Berserked Charecters. Caution and Protection is always good. Aeon, Berserkproof/Silenceproof.

Chests - Yes Chests do Appear in the Ruins, They can contain Mega-Potions or Turbo Ethers, there is a very slight catch though. They could have nothing inside, and turn into a Mimic.

Now there are 3 types of Mimics I Personally have seen:

Flying Mimic - This Mimic is weak against Magical Attacks and endures Melee attacks well.

Duel Horn Mumic - To my knowledge it looks like a Duel Horn, Though it could be a Basilisk, Either way they hate Melee attacks and are not very effective against Magical ones.

Machina Mimic - It looks like some Machina. These are the strongest of them all being able to Endure All attacks. Problem is if you use your Celestial Weapons, it makes his protection Worthless.

These drop 50,000gil Alone, 100,000gil With the Gillionare Ability on a weapon.

Happy Hunting and Safe Travels
Leveling @omega Ruins is really working out great! :) Where/how can I find those tripple double AP and Overdrive to AP -weapon abbilitys?
Double AP can be learned by using 20 Megalixirs. Certain monsters at the arena drop Double AP weapons too. As for Triple AP, you need 50 Wings To Discovery. 30 of these can be acquired from the Chocobo race at the temple. Shinryu drops these regularly and they can be bribed from a Marlboro. Overdrive - AP is learned from 10 Door To Tommorows. You can bribe Ultima Weapon for 99 of these.
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Omega ruins is great for levelling, but like someone else said, save after every battle- you never know when you're gonna end up dead from a Marlboro- those things had a horrible habit of killing me off every time...
Its best to have the armour that has Darkproof, Silenceproof, Poisonproof and curseproof/berserkproof/stoneproof.

Get Rikku's Godhand first since its the easiest to get. After getting it, go into Omega Ruins and if ur Rikku has high STR then ur pretty much gona OHKO most enemies. And Godhand has Gillionaire so its a 2in1 deal if u run into Mimics
If you want to strengthen your characters early in the game, the best spot will be the highbridge at Bevelle after the death of Kinoc(sadly, Kimahri is unavailable). In every encounter you completed, it will give you more than 9,000 ability points. You can do this over and over again until your characters reach the lv3 lock on their part of the sphere grid.

If you're referring to the late parts of the game(after you got the airship), omega ruins.