Best Story in FF

Which Final Fantasy Game has the Best Story?

  • I or II

    Votes: 1 1.4%
  • III

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • IV

    Votes: 1 1.4%
  • V

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • VI

    Votes: 6 8.7%
  • VII

    Votes: 22 31.9%
  • VIII

    Votes: 7 10.1%
  • IX

    Votes: 13 18.8%
  • X

    Votes: 16 23.2%
  • XII

    Votes: 3 4.3%

  • Total voters
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I went for XII. VIII's and VII's storyline comes close behind, just coming after VI.
I'm giving it to FFXII. I haven't even played too much of it so far, but it's definitely got an amazing story to it
FFVI was a very close second though. I loved the story in that too. If there's ever going to be a remake of an FF, hopefully it's VI that gets it because it deserves it.
I haven't played I, II or III so I'm going to say that the worst was IV. It made no sense at all to me, it was cheesy and was terribly put together
I'm inclined to say FFIX, especially as it was my first FF and the story was one of the main reasons I got dragged along in playing the game and getting into the series. I enjoy the way the plot keeps elevating to something bigger as the game goes on (though Necron was pointless I agree XD), starting small and building up slowly.

I would say FFVIII almost matches FFIX's story (I enjoy the way you move back and forth between the past and present, and the way you're expected to piece things together somewhat - also like the whole Time Compression business). But I do admit one important plot point in FFVIII does hinge on a fairly hefty bit of deus ex machina, which can be hard to swallow (as much as I love the game).
1st place: FFIX
FFIX includes every consummate aspect required to make a great game "great"; romanticism, magic, fantasy, love, and depth. FFIX doesn't leave you wondering "which two characters belong together", or "where in the hell did he come from?". If you pay close attention to what's going on, you'll be totally conscious of the sentimentallity that the story has to offer.
If you're not sure where Necron came from, then play the game again and pay better attention.

2nd place: FFVII
FFVII is a world of it's own. Each and every character has a complex history that makes him or her unique and just as influencial to the plot as the next character...Ten years later, and it's fanbase is still perplexed by the possibilities of what could have been...
The only thing that's made me decide to place VII in second place is it's fictitional fabrications brought on by it's fanbase. (E.G. I firmly believe that there is no "love triangle" in this game, Tifa isn't a badass outspoken roughian, and Aerith would never start a revolution against Tifa...)

Third place (the hypothetical argument of FFVIII)
As much as I dispise (And I mean really dispise)the depthless characters in FFVIII, I think the story line is very well formulated. My favorite aspect of the game is the Rinoa/Ultimecia theory. Don't know what it is? Look it up...
Of course, the theory is another example of fanmade fabrications, but it actually brings more sense into the story...
(Aztec, pls don't kill me for this =x)

Fourth place: FFX
Though I've actually devoted more time playing FFX than any other FF title, it's got very little to do with my admiration for the story. FFX is great in terms of gameplay, sidequests, and sidestories; the plot is wonderful, but not interesting enough alltogether. There isn't enough open space for speculation...
I do however...believe that FFX has one of the best endings I've ever seen in the series to date. (FFX-2, however...ruined that great ending, which causes me to place X in fourth place.)
FFVII definatly - after ten years people are still speculating, and Unlike X-2 AC didnt ruin the ending of FF7 - although it ruined some interesting theories like "did mankind survive or not" it has everything - a villain with an amazing backstory, developed characters (less so in AC but meh) and of course The Biggest Spoiler of all time XD

FFX And FFIX come in as a close 2nd and 3rd
VI. The only game where I cared about all the characters, and the only ending that really made me happy to watch.

IV would come in a close second. The characters weren't as deep as the one in VI but it's still my favorite game.
I went for FFVIII as my fave story just because i fell in love with the game when i first played it and well played it about 9times for the story(yes that is how much i loved the story) Though the charters are just there at the end and the story has plot hoes etc, but i just loved it from the first time i played it till the last time i have. I could even play it again if it were not for the fact i've memorised a lot of it lolz
I voted IX, even though my favorite FF is VII. Excluding the characters themselves from either game, IX's story is just slightly more to my taste. Almost pure fantasy x3

Even though VII's story is a very close second.
Ahh, this is so hard! I love all the storylines! But...okay...time to choose.

Well, I finally voted for VII. It really does have an amazing storyline, you know. ;) It's also the first Final Fantasy I've ever played, and the storyline just blew me away! It has the most complex storyline I have ever played in a game, and even to this day, I sometimes have a hard time comprehending some things.

VIII comes second. Now, even to this day, I have a hard time deciding which game I like best...VII or VIII. I love them equally, but as far as storyline goes, VII is a step closer to the trophy. Laguna, Raine, and Julia's story was the saddest part in the storyline, IMO...and I love every single bit of it.

IX would be the third. The storyline starts out as simple, then gets complex in the mid-end. Square pulled this one off really well. The storyline actually made me sad for some reason. It really is beautiful and...has that epic feel to it. Yes, that's what I like about this unique storyline.

X would have fourth. Good storyline and all that jazz, but I thought the gameplay wasn't as long. Perhaps if they added more stuff to the storyline, I would've find it more interesting. Ahh, but can't argue with the ending. Best ending ever, methinks.

XII is fifth. It was certainly different from all the FF games I've played before, and I suppose I just have to get more used to it. Although it's a little confusing (yes, I know I have to play it again sometime), I do find the storyline still good though.

And then X-2 will be last. Well, I'm sure you all know why. No need for me to explain. I'm tired, lol.
Ahh, this is so hard! I love all the storylines!

Yea, that's kind of how I feel. Even with games I don't necessarily love, I don't really hate any of them. (FFVIII) And it's also hard for me because there are a lot of games in the series that don't necessarily have a lot of plot... but are still great games. (FFV)

Final Fantasy VII is definitely my favorite. The series unto itself isn't... but the original is the best, bar none. It's amazing. If you understand the plot, which not a lot of people even do, it's just so incredibly complex. Unlike other games like Final Fantasy X, it's very possible to know absolutely everything about this game. For the most part, I'm happy to say I do. The only one that might have me beat on here is Lady Aerith and only because she can read. lol Damn FFVII books... damn Pennsylvania hick education. (I actually had to look up how to spell education while making this post...)

It is amazing though. I find most of the time I'm defending the plot or correcting people than I am discussing it. I hardly reply in half of the FFVII topics anymore because I feel beaten up by people who don't understand the plot. lol And it's so great. I really see it more as a work of art than I do a game. I'm a huge fan but I'm not a fanboy. I don't go crazy and drool over the plot and yell "Sephiroth is my man-stallion!" in FFVII topics... but I really do adore the complexities and insights of the plot. There are so many levels to that game... and most people struggle with just understanding the most superficial parts.
My favorite storyline has to be FFVII, second place i'd go with FFIX.

Gotta love Cloud and Aeris.

Do not get mad at me but i think mine is ff10 beause the story line was so deep an ineresting and plus it was the first ff that they made a spuel of
Final Fantasy X.

You never knew what to expect. So great of a game, that today no one can even fathom all the complexities of it. From Seymour, to Omega, to the Yevon religion, to the Calm and Zanarkand. From the Al-bhed relationships with the rest of the world to the Stolen fayth of Yojimbo in the Caverns below. Each backstory of characters, each relationship, each hint of the past in a smirk or a quick witty comment, all imply that FFX had one of the best plots ever.

What was Yunalesca really thinking? What are all the details of the War that took place 1000 years ago between Zanarkand and Bevelle? The Thunder Plains and how the lighting towers were set up by Gondolf and how he eventually died...

I could go on forever, but some of us need sleep.^_^
becuz it was the first i played that enticed me into it.also guys with tails are hot!

tidus & yuna suteki da ne scene enuff said :D

havent finished it but balthiers james bond charm is like woah... hawt
I have to say that FFVII has the best story, it is so deep and cool. It is hard to decide the second best storyline, but I really liked FFIX and the characters in the game. The third best, FFX, is really great and it is something new and I like it very much.

This is just what I think and I haven't played FFI-VI yet.
I think that FF VII has the best story, I mean who would have known that sephiroth was killed by cloud, and the cloud we had was really a puppet.
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