So after 3 good years of being on the Depo shot and being period free, I finally decided to go off it. I mean afterall, I don't have a guy anymore either to not go all ragey bitch on with the shot... so why not. Plus, to keep it safe, they suggest going off for a year or so every couple years.
Now while I could go the natural route, I do want SOME form of birth control.. to at least maintain the periods, the cramps, the migraines.. to lessen the pain of everything if possible.
Now here's the problem, I can't take pills. Doesn't matter how many, or how little they are, it's just not gonna happen. If they're flavoured or not, it's not gonna happen. At this point I think it's psychological on me, but still... not gonna happen.
That said, any girls here been on the patch, or the Nuvaring before? I'm not sure what other options I have besides those two and the non-happening pills.
Are youavid with your birth control, or are you kinda lax with it if you're not having sex? Are your periods on time during that 'placebo' pill portion like they should be? How many of you actually TAKE birth control if you're not having sex?
Now while I could go the natural route, I do want SOME form of birth control.. to at least maintain the periods, the cramps, the migraines.. to lessen the pain of everything if possible.
Now here's the problem, I can't take pills. Doesn't matter how many, or how little they are, it's just not gonna happen. If they're flavoured or not, it's not gonna happen. At this point I think it's psychological on me, but still... not gonna happen.
That said, any girls here been on the patch, or the Nuvaring before? I'm not sure what other options I have besides those two and the non-happening pills.
Are youavid with your birth control, or are you kinda lax with it if you're not having sex? Are your periods on time during that 'placebo' pill portion like they should be? How many of you actually TAKE birth control if you're not having sex?