[Birthweek 2013] Terminate Terence the Tonberry!


Βρεκεκεκὲξ κοὰξ κοάξ
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Jun 26, 2008
Shiva Snowflake
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Terminate Terence the Tonberry!

Meet Terence!


Terence is a particularly mischievous young tonberry and he must be punished! He has been creeping into threads and the SB, goading people into arguments with each other, and then doinking everybody.
This must not be allowed to continue, so we have hired you to execute him!
Simply make a description of an attack and I will draw the injury in.

Someone may post...
‘A xenomorph chestburster alien bursts out of Terence’s chest’.

Consequently, I would draw:

Be creative! Be warned though, Terence is strong and can withstand much. You can track his current status at the bottom of this post.

To give order to this game I will be using dice to determine how much Terence has been damaged for each attack. (I will be using this website for the rolls: http://www.random.org/dice/).

Terence has a starting HP of 100. Each attack will minus whatever a single die rolls to Terence’s HP.

Each person can only attack only once until the next calculation period. These calculation periods (or Turns) will essentially be whenever it is that I had been able to draw Terence’s injuries and calculate his current HP.

Terence will also be healed during a Turn. 3 dice will be rolled and the sum will be added to his health! Kill him before he regenerates!

The person to land the death-dealing blow on Terence will be crowned the winner.

Some further rules:
Do not ruin this by requesting naughty things done to Terence. Anything too rude and vulgar to depict in drawing will be ignored.
Also, any crazy commands such as ‘decapitate Terence!’, while it will be drawn, he will not be insta-killed by such moves. The ‘healing dice’ of a Turn will do much to stitch his head back into place.

1st place - 400 Gil
2nd place – 250 Gil
3rd place – 100 Gil

50 Gil will be granted to anybody who has entered this game after their first command, but no further payment will be made after any following turns.

Let’s snuff his candle out!

Current Status of Terence:
View attachment 2997

Total HP = Terence is dead.
can I start this off, or is there another thread? ive just hopped online and this is the first thing I saw lol. if I can. then A RABID SEAGUL PECKS TERRENCES EYE!' If I cant....well. hello.
a homosexual deviant from uganda fists terrence's anus. it is so painful he has to take highly addictive drugs, but he enjoys it.
A bowling ball is dropped upon his head and he drops his knife onto his right foot.
Geoffrey Leonard stands over him and deliberately so, causing massive damage.
he fights fuckin' now with davey joyce and thus skips the queue to the hospital due to his swelled, innocent head.
He looks at himself in the mirror, releases he looked like a downs syndromes in de tape, then repeatedly stabs himself in the face.
Each person can only attack only once until the next calculation period.

Do not ruin this by requesting naughty things done to Terence. Anything too rude and vulgar to depict in drawing will be ignored.

Other than that, all is fine.
I'll be calculating it and updating the drawing ASAP.
I've included the Simey one.
I am going slow, but this isn't meant to be a post for every half hour sort of game. :sad2:
Terence does not stand for his duty, so John Mongrel keels him.
Turn 1.
(Click the images to enlarge)


A rabid seagull pecks Terence’s eye = -3.

A bowling ball is dropped upon Terence’s head and he drops his knife onto his right foot = -5.

Simey O' Donnell fights him for a caravan... or a tent = -4

Geoffrey Leonard stands over him and deliberately so = -3.

He ‘fights fuckin' now with davey joyce and thus skips the queue to the hospital due to his swelled, innocent head’ = -6

He looks at himself in the mirror, releases he looked like a downs syndromes in de tape, then repeatedly stabs himself in the face = -3

Bugs Bunny puts a carrot in Terence eye = -4

Total HP = 72


Healing dice:
6+3+1 = 10.

= +10


Current HP = 82.

Place loads of garden rakes around Terence so that when he steps on them, they spring up and smack him in the face. Like so:

He shall be hit with 1,000 needles by a wild Cactuar. (For minimum damage of course.)
Terrance is suffering so :sad2: So we find him hiding in a nearby tree. Calvin Candie catches his lazy bum and calls him down from the tree, then asks help from his pal with two savage dogs who tear him to shreds and eat him alive :ari: