[Birthweek] Triple Triad Sign-ups


Dec 14, 2006
Chocobo Egg
Chocobo Egg
Barry the Behemoth
Accessory (Arms)
Mitsuki Calei
FFXIV Server
Free Company
Alright you FF8 card-lovers out there, it's time for the first official TT tournament! But you must wait until June 6. This is just the sign-ups. So those who are interested, sign right up asap! (And don't forget to gather some good cards while you're waiting for the tournament to begin).

(The tournament can hold up to 8 users).

Thanks to Emperor Lelouch & Shinya for their help with this.

Please include the following:

Can you provide a screenshot of the match: (Optional)


There will be 3-4 rounds. (I guess that depends on the number of participants.) Win each round and you go up to the next round, until you reach the Final Round.

Once I close sign-ups, I'll post who you guys will be up against with.

Assuming we have 8 players:

First Round Prize - 50 points
Second Round Prize - 100 points
Third Round Prize - 150 points + Character Card
Final Round Prize - 200 points + Character Card



1) Justice Ramza
2) Emperor Lelouch
3) Cardiac Kid
4) DarkShadow
5) Lockhart
6) Gavin AEtherae
7) Shinya
8) Clerkin
Last edited:
Timezone: Eastern
Activity: Monday Wednesday Friday Saturday noon-7 pm Tuesday Thursday Sunday 3 pm- midnight.
Timezone:Central Standard Time
Activity:Everyday,weekend's may be difficult for me to be on.
Can you Provide a Screenshot of the match results:Yes

Glad to help you out mit =D Hope you took the rules per round into account 8D
Timezone: western
Activity: always
Screenshot: yes
Challenge status: want :ryan:
Activity:Ermm not always on(I've kinda lost the urge to come here often) but coming onto here everday won't be a problem especially for an FFVIII TTT tournement.
Can you provide a screenshot of the match: Yes

One question: will we be able to decide the rules for the matches?
I want to sign up!

Timezone: I think its GMT +1.
Activity: I can be on pretty much every day for this :)
Can you provide a screenshot of the match: I dont think so, no.
Darkshadow said:
One question: will we be able to decide the rules for the matches?

Nope. ^_^

I'm thinking that once everyone's done with their matches, the next round will be up shortly after. So let's hope we get through each round quickly.
Timezone:AEST (Australian Eastern Standard Time)
Activity:I can be on pretty much everyday (9am-5pm)
Can you provide a screenshot of the match: Screenshot button doesn't word :sad3:

Nope. ^_^

I'm thinking that once everyone's done with their matches, the next round will be up shortly after. So let's hope we get through each round quickly.

Well if we do use any kind of rules,I think we should use random (cards are picked from our collection randomly)......Just to make it fair for everyone.

And is there just one match between each person?I was thinking like best out of three each round.
It makes it fairer at the least.....

If I went into a match with you I'm expecting like level 8-9 cards in your deck,the random rule will choose from any level. You could still be drawn some good cards as well as some bad ones......It might be horrible but fun and unpredictable nevertheless.
I know where your coming from, all those days of hard work in the TT area just goes to waste if the random is chosen. But TT after all is a game of chance and luck, and so is random.
well random really depends on what cards you have. if you have mostly low level cards and the other player has less low level cards but much more high level cards then that can be unfair too.
@Lockhart :hmmm: true if they do decide to use random we'd all be rushing to get rid of our low level cards.

@Gavin AEtherae yeah :lew: sometimes I feel like it cheats too.Just when you think you've got the game in the bag, its always the last card!?! :rage:
These are the rules suggested to me:

Round One - No rules (though I think at least a Closed rule should be in place)
Round Two - Closed, Plus
Round Three - Closed, Plus, Combo
Round Four - Closed, Plus, Elemental, Same, Combo, and Random

Still reconsidering the Random rule, due to that I wouldn't really want players to get rid of their low cards because of this rule.

I should mention that there is a Sudden Death rule. Had to look it up to be sure:
If the game ends in a Draw, a sudden death occurs in which a new game is started but the cards are distributed on the side of the color they were on at the end of the game.

And if we turn on the Same Wall rule:

With the Sudden Death rule if the game ends in a Draw (both players have a score of 5), then the board will be wiped clean and all cards currently your colour will be handed to you, and vice versa for your opponent.

This means you might be playing with cards you've flipped during the course of the match, this is only temporary for the match and it doesn't mean you'll have those cards at the end.

The match will continue until someone wins no matter how many draws are encountered.

Could make things interesting.

For Match Timeout:

Match Timeouts:
Choose the maximum period of time a tournament match can take. If this time is met the user who didn't take their turn will automatically loose the match.

I guess 24-48 hours will do. :hmmm: Up to you guys.
Even though I was in favour of it before,I dont think we should have the random rule......I checked people's card collection who are entered in the tournemant so far,and it seems we all have got at least up to level 8-9 cards. I think only @Cardiac Kid needs to strengthen up his cards.

I also agree and think we should have closed decks for round one......and with whats said above I think we should get rid of random rule for round 4.

But the rest of the rules are fine especially the sudden death one, it makes it more intresting.